Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It 's nothing changed really apart from the fact that I get the time with the little one .
2 I have the clock , so that I know the time , Schedule+ so that I can see my appointments , and Word for Windows for word processing .
3 and then a , a guy that I served the time on , he , he was he was
4 So much so that I think the time has come to discard those tests which have proved so elusive .
5 I had forgotten to bring anything to read with me , so I passed the time by staring thoughtfully at the emptiness around me , sipping a glass of water and making up Scandinavian riddles —
6 It was the sort of London garden which grew London Pride and smelt of snails but there was room to play cricket or French cricket on the grass ( You ca n't have five children and a nice lawn , as my Father sagely remarked ) and I remember a time when obstacle races round the gravelled path on our bicycles was popular with my sister and me .
7 This put all other thoughts to one side and I had no time to worry about the captain .
8 ‘ He was sitting in the village street , and I had no time to stop and see to him .
9 Er and I took the time at my own risk , took the time at my own risk er primarily because of that very fact that you were there to support the interests of your members and no one else , no one else .
10 Emil , the crew and I wasted no time watching .
11 Both Tony and I felt the time was right for a change . ’
12 When she feels the time is right , and I feel the time is right , then I 'll stop .
13 And she bought things with her erm twenty five pound voucher said I was having a lovely time and I forgot the time !
14 ‘ It is leap year and I lost no time in popping the question as I think he is the right man to lead Claro and Grindlewood Park into the twenty-first century . ’
15 I get home and I have no time to myself .
16 I 'm studying for an important examination and I have no time for horrors or mysteries . ’
17 And I think the time has come to consider extra reward financially for your loyalty .
18 we could actually make you a bit bit A lot better than this , and I think the time has come to adjust how we 're treating you a little bit .
19 This really refers back and I think the time refers back to the discussion that we had under the er liaison conference .
20 You know something 's going on , we have a little surprise set up for you , and I think the time has come to let the cat out of the bag .
21 disappointing an and frustrating th that this type of thing is happening , I 'm pleased I 'm coming to the end of me service because the time will come when somebody 's got to speak out , and I think the time has or come when at I can speak out , damn the consequences .
22 Yes , the chicken and egg syndrome is interesting because and I agree it is a viscious circle , but in fact you do n't make new omelettes unless you do break some eggs , and I think the time has come to break some eggs and I think that 's what I 'm advocating is that it will come from the teacher because the teacher is the guiding light of what happens in the classroom , and if the teacher has it in the back of their mind there will be no science , then there will be no science .
23 Yes , the chicken and egg syndrome is interesting because and I agree it is a vicious circle , but in fact you do n't make new omelettes unless you do break some eggs , and I think the time has come to break some eggs and I think that 's what I 'm advocating is that it will come from the teacher because the teacher is the guiding light of what happens in the classroom , and if the teacher has it in the back of their mind there will be no science , then there will be no science .
24 If I take the time necessary for pupils to really understand a topic , then I will certainly have trouble exposing them to everything that is expected .
25 In fact , if I had the time and money I would pre-bait every morning and evening .
26 He said that if I had the time and the inclination he would be grateful if I would sort through the material , put the scores in chronological order to one side and throw out ‘ the rubbish ’ .
27 ‘ Sure — if I had the time . ’
28 And Sid had said , ‘ If I had the time I could write down some of the things I 've seen that you would n't believe . ’
29 Teacher says it 's disgraceful But even if I had the time , I feel too tired .
30 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
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