Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] out my " in BNC.

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1 Or I bring out my mates .
2 Oh , well that the money that I found out my pocket and the payment granny gave me .
3 Again you just looked at me , and I knew I had to do as you had done , so I stretched out my right hand and touched the bones , which were slightly sticky .
4 One came right up to my face , so I pulled out my sword and cut open his stomach .
5 The gathering of men pressed closer to see my watch , so I held out my wrist .
6 I went into Diary and I printed out my appointments for next week .
7 I wondered if her presence was an invitation ; I felt that if I stretched out my hand to grasp hers she would have sat by me on the bed .
8 I du n no if I got lOp , but I pull out my change anyhow .
9 The door was locked but I got out my key and let myself in .
10 She regards me with suspicion , but when I hold out my hand , she takes it .
11 When I took out my mortgage with the Halifax , I plumped for a fixed rate .
12 And things that shut out light : small boxrooms , closed doors ; ‘ when I snuffed out my bedside candle ’ ; a local history of appalling sandstorms ; unfriendly adults of grim , dour mien , with tight acerbic mouths , the ‘ grey granite ’ stare of a harsh grandmother : he says , ‘ I can not remember ever hearing her use my Christian name in the vocative . ’
13 And when I found out my Friday meeting was being moved forward and I would n't be seeing you after all I asked your Miss Philimore to cancel it .
14 I approached her carefully but she leaned away as I stretched out my hand .
15 I leave it all up to Rob as I blank out my mind and hang on to my sanity .
16 ‘ Pounds , ’ I replied as I wrote out my name and address on the back of the particulars and left it on the counter .
17 As I typed out my notice and handed my keys in
18 ‘ Only a rose — ’ I began as I held out my offering to my husband and I was just about to start on the second line when a Yorkshire pudding with onion gravy flew past my head and stuck with a plop on the ceiling .
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