Example sentences of "[conj] it have [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most important is GlavPU , the Chief Political Directorate of the Soviet Army and Navy , at one and the same time an organ of the Ministry of Defence and of the Central Committee , where it has departmental status .
2 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
3 Under the auspices of Scottish/Canadian editor Andy Gray , the paper was faced with a dilemma and one that it had great difficulty resolving , namely how a paper still steeped in show business traditions could come to terms with a new music that was deliberately and defiantly anti-commerciality and the supposed ‘ circus ’ of the pop world .
4 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
5 A child under 10 incurs no criminal liability for its acts ; a child over 9 , but under 14 , incurs no such liability , unless it is shown that it had sufficient capacity to know that its act was wrong .
6 You inform by making sure that the programme is not just froth and bubble , that it has genuine body .
7 As well as distributing the new version 1.2 of Aspect , due out at the end second quarter , Goldmine claims that it has other distribution deals in the pipeline to be announced over the next few weeks .
8 This makes sense when taken together with IBM Europe 's statement that it has excess manufacturing capacity : rather than close the plants straight away , it has thrown them to the market — they will get business from IBM but only as long as they can provide products at the going market rate .
9 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
10 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
11 We are satisfied it will be a valuable asset for the immediate area and that it has considerable support from the community . ’
12 Legacies can also be sought more easily if the organisation can show that it has charitable status .
13 Sport as part of ‘ The News ’ means that it has national significance and is part of the cultural heritage of the audience .
14 The terms should also make it clear that the committee has the power to investigate matters within its brief and that it has full access to information .
15 KPMG warrants and undertakes that it has full power and authority under the Financial Services Act 1986 and otherwise to make the Offer on behalf of Client .
16 Health and safety watchdogs say they 're not convinced that it has sufficient safety measures in place to protect passengers .
17 Chervil grows quickly , provided it has moist soil ad a slightly shady place .
18 This voyage in the yacht Williwaw , a 13m steel ketch , is the subject of a book called North West Passage , originally written in French but translated into English by Bruce Penman , and it has Rear Admiral G.S .
19 As we shall see , this typification is a resource used by policemen and women in several situations and for many different purposes , and it has clear relevance in explaining why community relations police in West Belfast retain their commitment despite the difficulties of their task and the restricted nature of their duties .
20 But it 's an expensive drug and it has unpleasant side effects .
21 When viewing a house we were interested in buying , we asked the owner if it had rear access .
22 Christians quote from the Bible as if it had divine authority .
23 All experience showed that an attack had some prospect of success only if it had numerical superiority in a ratio of at least 3 : 1 .
24 UNTAC would only be successful , Boutros-Ghali stressed , if it had adequate human and financial resources .
25 The more cross-holdings there are , the less chance of success for any outside raid on Hongkong Land , even if it had semi-official backing from the Chinese government .
26 Thus where the discretionary fund management arm of a conglomerate receives confidential information from the corporate finance arm about Company X , the fund management arm may be prevented from using the information of disclosing it if it has actual knowledge of the breach of confidence or possibly where it ought to have known of the breach .
27 But goodness can choose to change its nature if it has true freedom of will .
28 As we saw in this chapter , more recently it has been found that this account of processing can not be correct for at least three reasons : ( a ) there is evidence that syntactic and semantic processing is not delayed until the end of the clause ; ( b ) there is evidence that information about the specific wording is retained after the end of a clause if that clause contains nonspecific words which subsequent clauses will disambiguate ; ( c ) specific wording will also be retained if it has pragmatic significance .
29 It was nothing really radical in terms of modern design — even apart from Malcolm having adapted it from a picture — but it had great presence .
30 But it had great difficulty in finding the necessary funds for this purpose , and , partly for this reason and partly because of sheer bureaucratic inefficiency , the payment of the subsidies was always much delayed .
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