Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] [be] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't obviously give my Noble Friend an assurance that this will be done , but in due course er I would very much hope that it would be and when it is my Noble Friend will then be able to refer to that Act with total simplicity and find his way through it and with all the original Acts amended as they were and will be after this Act has been passed .
2 Nenna felt sure that there was no-one that it could be but Edward .
3 To suggest that it could be or has been ‘ proved ’ by archaeologists is to do the story a great disservice .
4 The price at which timber for building is bought has been higher than it need be and the amount much smaller for two reasons : Government buying and Government decisions .
5 So the box is lighter than it should be and the price the consumer pays is too low .
6 and it could be and if if there 's two signatures if there are two signatures require on the on the cheque we need two on the banker 's order and you need both of those people there .
7 and it can be and often is 75 per cent. , depending on someone 's resources .
8 I did n't know whether it would be but I thought , well you could go down and change it .
9 For parents , this world-view may not be ‘ philosophical ’ in the sense of something that is calculated , worked out and argued , though it can be and often is .
10 Though the outlook for the UK is not as bright as it might be and the US is likely to take a knock from an end of price discounting in the car market , Europe looks set to turn in another strong performance .
11 Though the outlook for the UK is not as bright as it might be and the US is likely to take a knock from an end of price discounting in the car market , Europe looks set to turn in another strong performance .
12 The actual quality in the , in the er print the sharpness , er that sort of thing , is perhaps not quite as good as it should be but I still , an eight for that one .
13 Life is rarely as it should be and , given that Bowe ran scared of him , the WBC belt fits just right .
14 The silk shawl she draped over her shoulders winter and summer was in place ; her mother of pearl brooch was at her neck as it should be and her shoes were shining as immaculately as ever .
15 His body was not as solid and stable as it should be and he was frequently off-line by a few degrees .
16 She feels the DoH guidance is not as detailed as it should be and , to some degree , is misleading .
17 We try and make everything as good as it can be and I write guitar lines that will be heard .
18 The defence of consent can obviously not be pleaded as it can be and generally is for rape .
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