Example sentences of "[conj] to a [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unsure whether this was due to a greater propensity to malinger or to a higher rate of ill-health among women , a committee of enquiry was set up in August 1913 .
2 The prolonged duration of reflux seen during pH monitoring or after a meal in PSS could thus be related to defective clearance or to a greater quantity of reflux .
3 Certain jobs by their nature may lead to greater social awareness or to a greater degree of social intercourse than others .
4 This rather unusual development may have been due to the influence of Hu Yaobang in the Ministry of Propaganda or to a younger generation of journalists who demanded more honesty in their reporting .
5 In their evidence to the Redcliffe-Maud Commission , the Ministry of Housing and Local Government ( MHLG ) ( as it then was ) argued that it led neither to an improved speed nor to a better quality of development control : the advantages which flowed from delegating some of the work load to district councils were offset by the shortage of qualified planning staff in most district offices , by the limited range of problems which arose within any one area , by the difficulties caused by the natural inclination of district councils to take a ‘ narrow view ’ , and by the extra administrative complications that limited delegation usually entailed .
6 For many of the physical science students , the term ‘ physical science ’ referred to the specific course rather than to a wider discipline ; I therefore reserve many of their comments for a later section .
7 At the time when rent levels were falling , some less profitable land also went out of cultivation ( although the extent of this is hard to measure ) , so it is clear that the fall in rents must have been due to a shortage of potential tenants rather than to a greater supply of land , which might have resulted from the clearance of forest or the reclamation of fenland .
8 They showed that subjects given verbal pre-training with one set of stimuli learn the appropriate motor response more rapidly to these stimuli than to a further set introduced for the first time in the test phase .
9 Opposition was likely to be stronger where children were transferred to another small school rather than to a larger school .
10 Some have been initially successful and then suffered a relapse , suggesting that at least some of the cases owed their success more to the Hawthorne effect than to a deeper understanding of people .
11 In addition , the results show that gradients of HSR between the two eyes , differential horizontal perspective , which are similarly created by binocular viewing of a close , fronto-parallel surface , also affect the amount of perceived depth in stereoscopic surfaces , albeit to a smaller extent .
12 So at the time , as I said , it would have seemed a perfectly conventional piece of work , even if to a later generation , like ours ,
13 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
14 A further important aspect of the assessment process was the significance of ASW consultation with male family members , associated with section 2 more than section 3 and to a greater degree with GP than other referrals with non admission .
15 School-based choices about curriculum and curricular goals have given way to external requirements and to a greater measure of centralized uniformity .
16 The latter study , which was conducted in Macomb , Illinois , discovered that during the period 1972 ( when Rossi carried out his research in Baltimore ) to 1979 , ‘ the seriousness rating of white-collar crime … increased both absolutely and to a greater extent than any other category ’ , and more important , increases in seriousness ratings were pronounced in two categories of corporate crime , particularly ‘ violence ’ ( resulting in death or injury ) and ‘ price-fixing ’ .
17 Perceived health status was a strong predictor of rates of both short , and to a greater extent , long spells of sickness absence .
18 The management accountant will use the financial accounts and to a greater extent the cost accounts to prepare the necessary financial information for management decisions .
19 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
20 Had it not been for the enthusiasm and energy of the St Andrews Friends , that Garden might well have had to close , but now it is a thriving and greatly appreciated asset to the town and to a wider community .
21 Will they improve or worsen the standard of care given to Londoners — and to a wider group of patients who use London 's specialist services and benefit from its research and teaching ?
22 They could , however , volunteer for work , which entitled them to wages and to a better diet ( the same as convicted prisoners ) .
23 The number of people without work rose more rapidly , and to a higher level in the two years following 1979 than at any other time during the post-war period .
24 She may also have to face a serious reduction in income , which might necessitate the sale of her house and the loss of her settled way of life by a move to another neighbourhood and to a smaller home , or into yours if that is to be the arrangement you both decide upon .
25 Our discussion of such surveys both at the national and local level lead us on to examine the impact of crime on women and ethnic minorities , and to a broader consideration of how these groups are treated by the criminal justice system .
26 They conclude : They also suggest , following Gelles and Cornell ( 1985 ) , that child abuse is not a manifestation of something qualitatively different , or resulting from the fundamentally abnormal , but that parents and families are simply experiencing the same problems as others but to a greater degree .
27 Handwriting recognition systems experience similar errors to those of OCR systems but to a greater degree .
28 But Shakespeare 's manipulation ultimately disrupts Harsnett 's design : ‘ In Shakespeare , the realization that demonic possession is a theatrical imposture leads not to a clarification — the clear-eyed satisfaction of a man who refuses to be gulled — but to a deeper uncertainty , a loss of moorings , in the face of evil . ’
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