Example sentences of "[conj] to [art] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Whether this increase will be applied to the employer 's or to the employees ' contributions remains to be seen .
2 Thus , whatever success individual parents may have achieved via the 1980 Act 's appeal system , it seemed , by 1986 , that ‘ rights of school choice do not appear to make much difference to the outcomes of school admissions or to the LEAs ' management of school rolls ’ .
3 There seemed nowhere to take discussions of these dilemmas except to the conferences ' lesbian workshops , where they took up almost all the time .
4 We have seen that the social collectivities often known as ‘ classes ’ in British society are reducible neither to economic classes in the Marxist sense nor to the sociologists ' occupational classes .
5 In cases considered since Roe , the Supreme Court has generally shown more deference to congressional restrictions than to the states ' attempts to overturn Roe , for example it ruled that public funds may not be used for abortions whether therapeutic or non-therapeutic ( Harris v. McRae 1980 ) .
6 An American clinical study ( Anderson and White , 1986 ) also suggests that problems in step families are more likely to relate to parenting issues between adults and children than to the parents ' marital relationship .
7 Besides notice to the clients , information as regards mergers and takeovers will be required to be given to the Law Society and to the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund , to the Inland Revenue and to Customs and Excise — just as upon the starting up of any new firm .
8 He went to a village school and to the Teachers ' Training College .
9 It owed more to the boycott of the elections by the socialist parties and to the Kadets ' skilful use of the indirect electoral system which enabled them to win a disproportionate number of seats .
10 The ‘ information ’ part of Vredeling , which would apply to employers with 1,000 or more employees , would require that information relating to the business as a whole , and to the employees ' own particular subsidiaries or establishments , be supplied annually to employees ' representatives .
11 ( But maybe those are the Bernsteins now , in that car there , crossing over the top of the Parkway on the Uptown Expressway , going not to the Chases ' at all , but to the Kessels ' … )
12 As to the defendants ' claim for commission , even if a breach of fiduciary duty by the defendants had been proved , they would not thereby have lost their right to commission unless they had acted dishonestly .
13 Section 7(2) prevents the exclusion of liability as against a consumer for breach of warranties arising by implication of law from the form of the contract as to the goods ' correspondence to description or sample , or their quality or fitness for any particular purpose .
14 It is essential for departments to pull together , talk to each other and be in no doubt as to the others ' requirements .
15 In return for the presence of players at various corporate functions the RFU 's elite sponsors would contribute monies to the development of the game as well as to the players ' pool .
16 But I would suppose that the Home Office has at least some information as to the judges ' tariff , and probably a great deal .
17 As to the kidnappers ' next step , she was confused but pessimistic .
18 This could provide a clue as to the bombers ' whereabouts between 16 September and the bombing , which killed 10 bandsmen .
19 Eliot 's solution of a widespread Christian community hierarchically organized , related both to the state and individual parishes and containing intellectual leaders , owes much to Benda 's notion of clercs , as well as to the anthropologists ' stress on the connection of religion with society .
20 At about the same time , French units made a diversionary landing at Kum Kale on the Asiatic side of the strait to confuse the Turks as to the Allies ' true intentions .
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