Example sentences of "[conj] have [adv] [been] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His tenacious belief in the venture by keeping it running cost him heavy personal financial loss and his ‘ nursing ’ of this satire on operetta that has rarely been equalledis largely forgotten ( but not by me ) .
2 Jack Higgins leaves Pan with The Eye of the Storm ( Signet ) ; and Craig Thomas ' A Hooded Crow ( Fontana ) is the one that has recently been C formatted .
3 And although the ANC has promised to share power in the subsequent government , the country will then be a short hop from the full-blown majority rule that has always been anathema to many Afrikaners .
4 But tampering with lifetime employment policies , and pushing unemployment upwards , is likely to affect the morale of a workforce that has always been Japan 's most valuable asset .
5 The solidarity and sense of community that had once been Ealing 's strength now began to work against it .
6 In his room he unpacked the little portable typewriter that had once been Jenny 's and stared at a blank paper until his embarrassment had faded .
7 Early on the morning of March 4th , the remnants of the 33rd were mopped up and the fragmented stones that had once been Douaumont village fell to the Germans .
8 Holding my back straight and clutching the plaited strings that had once been reins , I felt as intrepid as Stark , as hardened as Lawrence , as much the explorer as Burckhardt .
9 The thing that had once been Bissell laughed again , raw plaster splattering on the tiled floor .
10 He slept in the night nursery that had once been Alice 's .
11 A few low hovels that had once been homes to river people were now derelict , and an empty building which was once a sailmaker 's and then a barge-builder 's premises now stood empty after its last owner , a steam-traction engineer , foundered in the changing times .
12 The top storey was a one-bedroomed apartment , rooms that had once been servants ' quarters in the tight spaces where the house narrowed towards the roof .
13 And in that flare and roar of lightning , Cardiff saw a hideous face straining to look directly at him as huge and ravaged claws that had once been hands thrashed inwards on the brick face of the basement , seeking purchase .
14 The station concourse was a seething mass of people , civilian and uniformed , with a fair spattering of the drunks that had always been part of the city 's landscape when he had ridden up from Galloway on weekends free from school .
15 Previously he was Vice President with International Playtex Corporation and has also been Production Director of a Dawson International subsidiary .
16 As expressed by Atiyah the ‘ weakening belief in the importance of the hortatory effect of the judicial process has been accompanied by , and has surely been part cause of , a change in the sense of justice itself .
17 Daniels , the first layman to become Headmaster of Stockport Grammar School , was a Cambridge graduate and a first-class Mathematician ( fifth Wrangler in 1891 ) , and had previously been Head of Physics and Head of Mathematics at Nottingham High School .
18 A Merlin III that Ted had preserved during 1985–1987 had penetrated deep into blue clay and had thus been cut-off from the damaging effects of oxygen .
19 A typical Victorian gentleman of enormous energy and breadth of interest , he had combined the office with being a Guardian of the Poor , a Magistrate , a Musician of some repute , working for Stockport Sunday School and the Infirmary , and had also been Chairman of the short-lived Stockport School Board in the 1870s .
20 Mr Stillings , 59 , had been Rector of Trefnant for 18 months and had formerly been curate at Rhosymedre and Minera , Vicar of Bagillt and Rector of Llanfynydd .
21 In Ecgfrith 's case , by the same principle , if he was killed in the fifteenth year of his reign and had only been king fourteen years , he may have become king in 671 and certainly could not have done so before 21 May 670 .
22 Explaining their resignations in terms of the desire to " recover [ their ] freedom " , Wade said that he and the other PDS ministers had been excluded from government action and had only been party to decisions over " trivial " issues .
23 Most ordinary shareholders have never had a total remuneration package and have never been part of a performance-related bonus scheme .
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