Example sentences of "[conj] have [adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The artists in the show were a young and academic group , many completing or having recently gained postgraduate qualifications .
2 A 1992 survey revealed that 39% of large companies either fear or have already experienced litigation due to lost or missing records .
3 For the 1960s had also seen the beginnings of the stylistic pluralism that has increasingly characterised music in the last quarter of the 20th century .
4 This may have been the collection that has finally established medium to good pieces of this period as part of the mainstream of serious American furniture collecting .
5 The Good Restaurant Guide ‘ I 've found one that has n't gone bust ! ’
6 perhaps I should n't of told you , so I said well look Timothy I said this is a conversation that has n't taken place I said when Christopher comes back in I said if you want to say anything you can , but feel free not to and we 'll just , if he comes we wo n't know anything about it
7 Mackenzie Walcott lamented ‘ it is almost inconceivable the waste that has mercilessly made havoc of the ancient Memorials that gave renown to Stamford ’ .
8 As the responsibility of the Department of Employment , TVEI represents a determined government effort , practically by-passing the government department that has traditionally exercised responsibility for the schools and the school curriculum , to effect a swift and decisive orientation of the curriculum towards what is considered to be of immediate relevance to the skills and know-how required by a technological society .
9 The reference to income tax at the basic rate not being charged in respect of income that has already borne tax at the basic rate is designed to ensure that there is no double taxation where the overseas entity receives income which has already borne UK tax .
10 It is equally clear , however , that it is a remarkable phenomenon and that the chances of its leading to the detection of a diversion that has already taken place , or is in the course of taking place , are reasonably good and are improving as the Agency 's technology in this area develops …
11 They will be ignoring the slide that has already taken place — and is accelerating .
12 He relied upon the great development that has recently taken place in the law of judicial review whereby the courts have asserted a general jurisdiction to review the decisions of tribunals and inferior courts .
13 It is entirely possible that our backwater of a planet is literally the only one that has ever borne life .
14 That is why the market is so worried by the budget deficit and a Labour agenda that has fatally confused government spending with economic recovery .
15 White elders today , and even more so black elders who arrived in the 1950s , belong to a cohort that has often experienced assessment in earlier life as something that selects or rejects .
16 It 's because NT supports SMP in a way that has very limited utility for most users …
17 Though he is very much a mystic , there is a part of Ali that has always found security and a skewed understanding of life in the quantifiable : amounts , calibrated outcomes , the creaking , reassuring machinery of living .
18 At last , pulling herself together , she went to give Joanna and Helen a watered-down version of the scene that had just taken place — watered-down because , for some subconscious reason , she felt that Dawn 's story was not quite believable .
19 The stout , hump-backed surgeon — circumspect , but perky and confident ; Morse — looking distinctly weary , his jowls semi-shaven by an electric razor that had seemingly passed peak efficiency , and yet somehow , somewhere underneath , a man on the side of the angels .
20 We can witness all these in Worsley 's book in which he demonstrates that architectural draughtsmanship reached a point of perfection by 1837 , after which it degenerated into mere technical proficiency , when even bodies such as the Institute of British Architects condemned the use of colour and supplementary foreground activities that had previously made competition perspectives more attractive .
21 The emission standards were set without regard to the constraints of technological or economic feasibility that had previously influenced policy-making .
22 As Horton Davies , who has explored this subject deeply , wrote : ‘ More worshipful churches proved incentives to , if not a deeper , yet a better ordered and more dignified worship among congregations that had previously regarded worship as merely a preliminary to preaching . ’
23 It extended society 's consideration for deprived children towards those groups that had previously excited anger rather than compassion and as such it was a progressive and humanitarian measure .
24 The Court of Appeal rejected the view that had previously held sway , namely that it was possible for any employee to work both ordinarily in Great Britain and outside it .
25 Gorbachev , addressing the 27th CPSU Congress in 1986 , was able to welcome the improvement that had already taken place in relations with ‘ socialist China ’ .
26 After acclamations before the Lateran Palace , like those that had already taken place in front of St Peter 's , the new pope went up to the principal part of the palace , called the Leonine presbyterium , and later celebrated with a banquet .
27 Everyone was shown sequences and ‘ rushes ’ from the filming that had already taken place , but they were roughly put together and hardly impressive .
28 It also gave life back to rivers that had n't held water for many years like the River Pang on the Berkshire Downs .
29 The subjects showed latent inhibition , developing the CR ( the response of approaching the site or food delivery when the light came on ) less readily than a control group that had not received pre-exposure ( Fig. 3.1 , lower panel ) .
30 As the figure shows , the subjects came to respond only when the tone was on , but they formed the discrimination less rapidly than control subjects that had not received pre-exposure .
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