Example sentences of "[conj] have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 a standard Anglepoise lamp er which it 's been going for a number of years , you can get it in about six different colours to match different designs of , er put colour into your room , now if somebody was spending a lot of time sitting knitting and has to look at the knitting or has to look at the pattern then er a good strong light which wo n't get in their eyes but goes straight on to what , whatever they 're doing , is by far the best thing for them , er but they say oh I do n't like it , it 's a bit angular is n't it , erm , modern sort of thing , er but because it 's angular it does n't mean to say it 's not gon na fit into the room it 's the right thing for it , er for the person doing that work .
2 The various pupils ’ study needs just listed include many skills that most school teachers would expect their pupils to have been taught or to have acquired in the process of their secondary education .
3 These symptoms were present most of the time , but became much worse if Sheila drove the car , used certain aerosol sprays , or had to sit in the same room as someone wearing perfume or aftershave .
4 Most record-company chiefs had risen to their position by one of two ways ; either they were ‘ record men ’ born and bred , who by their own taste and judgement had quietly built their own companies , or had risen through the sales and marketing ranks of some multinational to positions of prominence ; or they were lawyers or accountants , practised in the art of negotiation and creative bookkeeping .
5 These would be examples 1 and 4 , where the party who carried the plaintiff 's goods had also issued the bill of lading or had entered into the freight contract with the shipper , whether or not the shipper was the plaintiff .
6 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
7 Those members of the working-class who rejected or had sunk below the influence of the class above them , remained largely illiterate and inarticulate .
8 No account is usually taken of the care which the dependant may be giving or have given in the past to the carer .
9 Subsequent legislation and regulation have only supplemented the 1974 Act that made directors , managers and other officers liable to prosecution where they have consented to or have connived at the committing of any offence or where an offence has been caused by neglect on their part .
10 Electronic surveillance ( bugging ) , telephone tapping , infiltration of political organizations and squats , photographing demonstrations , the maintenance of files on perhaps 2 million political activists and ( in London ) the systematic recording of all public meetings and demonstrations , including the names and addresses of speakers and chairpersons , are all practices that have been admitted by the police or have emerged in the course of court hearings .
11 The primary function of the centres is the documentation of modern and contemporary artists who work or have worked in the former Eastern-bloc countries and the promotion of living artists previously unknown to the West .
12 He was also told that 11,090 containers with low-level radioactive waste were dumped in the Kara Sea , and that at least five barges holding large quantities of nuclear waste are floating or have sunk off the island of Novaya Zemlya ( a former Soviet nuclear testing site ) .
13 Previous studies have uncertain relevance to the outpatient setting as they either investigated subgroups of patients for example the elderly , or have reported on the findings in hospital inpatients .
14 We know that the Labour party is committed to an increase in child benefit and pensions , covered by its eight new or increased taxes , a point that has featured in the debate .
15 The management of patients who mutilate themselves while in a disturbed state will include treatment of the disorder that has led to the disturbance and will invariably have to be initiated in the psychiatric inpatient setting .
16 Is it not an appalling indictment of 13 years of this Government 's economic policy that yesterday one of Her Majesty 's coroners described the shortage of beds in one of Britain 's principal hospitals — a shortage that has led to the death of a pensioner from Southwark — as appalling due to a 2 per cent .
17 The development of the in-can system that has led to the successful introduction of Canned Draught Guinness and Guinness Draught Bitter is a fine example of how the application of technology and innovation can produce outstanding results .
18 It is this emphasis on controlling the money supply that has led to the title ‘ monetarist ’ .
19 Italy is one of Iran 's main trading partners and had until now been largely spared the violence that has led to the deaths of dozens of opponents of the Tehran government opponents in other European cities since the 1979 revolution .
20 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
21 It is this skewed nature of the existing private print media that has called for the participation of the government in the ownership and operation of the print media in this country .
22 It is this skewed nature of the existing private print media that has called for the participation of the government in the ownership and operation of the print media in this country .
23 After a few minutes , use a slotted spoon to remove the beige scum that has risen to the surface .
24 Apple Computer , the Cinderella company that has risen from the backyard to a worldwide name in six years , is going to give a computer to every public and private school in the state — that 's about 10 000 computers with a retail value of almost $20 million .
25 I have enjoyed reading all your letters and look forward to continuing the two-way communication that has developed over the past year .
26 Associated with cost is the gap that has developed between the ways in which essentially the same text is used by different groups of people .
27 Fundamentally , roses are as much shrubs as any others in the garden and , like them , divide broadly into two categories as far as pruning is concerned ; those that flower in spring and summer on wood developed during the previous growth period ( i.e. last year ) , and those that flower , necessarily a little later , from mid summer on , upon wood that has developed during the current season .
28 Father Giles reflected on the Beatitudes — their original meaning and the meaning that has developed in the course of time , up to the present day .
29 Hansen ( 1980 ) makes it very clear that signed Danish is not the same as the Signed English that has developed in the USA , and she believes it to be a more flexible and efficient natural language form .
30 The English that has developed in the country — certainly its spoken version — will not be readily comprehensible to those from outside the sub-continent .
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