Example sentences of "[conj] have [vb pp] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 For example , if another company in the group has provided guarantees in respect of dividends or redemption , or has undertaken to purchase the shares , the issue will constitute a liability of the group and should be reported as such .
2 Moreover the exception to the nemo dat principle discussed in Chapter 11 will be significant here especially if it is considered that the dealer has bought or has agreed to buy the goods under s9 of FA 1889 .
3 That has made a huge difference , and in terms of the response to the issues among so-called ‘ decision-makers ’ it is this increasing ability on the part of the environmental organisations to marshal good accurate evidence behind them that has begun to tilt the balance of opinion in their favour .
4 Staff involved in scandals are nearly always the victims , too , of a system that has failed to recognize the needs of both users and providers .
5 He is named in a party of 15 and his knack of scoring vital goals could prove a bonus for a side that has failed to find the net in seven of their last nine games .
6 The well-rounded rib — the barrel chest that has helped to give the Suffolk the name of Punch — is a distinctive feature , as is the deep carcase .
7 It is a tradition that has refused to claim the certainty claimed by both these camps .
8 In recent years the one English voice that has seemed to reiterate the Eliotic thesis in anything like its entirety has been the voice of C.H. Sisson :
9 We are , therefore , critical of the constitutional approach that has tended to dominate the field of constitutional study and the textbook accounts of British politics .
10 The hon. Gentleman should give some credit to that health board and every other health board in Scotland that has managed to increase the numbers of patients treated .
11 It was perhaps ironic that having decided to dedicate the rest of his career to the private sector that Cuckney became caught up in a major government row when he took over as chairman of Westland Group .
12 I say this because I am anxious that having decided to reject the modernist notion that there is no Devil — and therefore no Christian dualism — we should not be tempted to fall into the opposite error of conceiving our adversary as no more than a fiend .
13 My institute would wish for it 's concern that having striven to establish the statutory qualification , the Diploma in Trading Standards , and consequently persuading employing authorities as officers holding that qualification use the title Trading Standards Officers now sees the potential of confusion .
14 And yet Raskolnikov 's greater enormity is that having forgotten to bolt the door after killing the money-lender he is surprised by her half-sister , the woman who mends linen and has mended his in her time , apparently always pregnant , through simplicity , not waywardness , meek-eyed though ‘ she looks like a soldier dressed up as a woman ’ ( who but Dostoevsky ! ) and Raskolnikov kills Lizaveta too .
15 On the contrary , it flourished within a discipline that had emerged to help the farmers who were struggling to exploit the prairies in a way that destroyed the traditional climax .
16 The inter-war German democracy was precarious precisely because it was grafted on to a social order that had failed to create the very basic social and political conditions that would allow a democratic system to flourish , but also because while German expansion in the east had been halted , the drive to the east was still seen as a tantalising solution to all of Germany 's problems .
17 ‘ Polly , ’ he said , smiling the same kind of disarming smile that had failed to disarm the Punk .
18 In general respectability was achieved and the consequence of that was that the movies had moved somewhat decisively away from the masses that had helped to create the industry .
19 In view of the deeply felt resentment at the reign of Bayezid I on the part of at least the more pious elements of the state , it seems not impossible that Murad II ( 1421–51 ) who , alter Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) , set about re-establishing the integrity and order of the Ottoman state , decided to provide an answer to the critics of the secular state by the creation of an office to represent the spiritual authority of the seriat , an office , moreover , free from the taint that had come to affect the members of the ulema associated with the state service .
20 Along the way I was engaged in some of the startling ‘ business as usual ’ banking practices that have begun to plague the world financial system .
21 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
22 These informed assessments have , however , been clouded by a profusion of misconceptions , misinterpretations and misunderstandings that have served to blur the picture available to teachers .
23 We shall examine the experience of signing TAs , to pick out some of the practical problems that have arisen to lay the basis for a discussion of future directions .
24 In a sweeping review of the various domains by which proteins bind to DNA , Aaron Klug ( MRC , Cambridge ) revealed the diversity of structures that have evolved to meet the requirements of physical stability and evolutionary flexibility imposed by the need to recognize only a tiny fraction of the binding sites available in an entire genome .
25 you see to put it back to Marx it 's the working class that have got to deliver the goods .
26 As we shall see later , they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option .
27 As noted in the introduction to this chapter , the theory of fiscal federalism , which tries to explain the rationale for , and the optimum size of , local government , can appear rather removed from the historical and political accidents that have helped to shape the pattern and prerogatives of state and local government .
28 She is expected to implement measures to address the popular grievances that have helped to fuel the mutiny .
29 She is expected to implement measures to address the popular grievances that have helped to fuel the mutiny .
30 The research aims to investigate some of the social psychological factors that have helped to maintain the present conflict .
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