Example sentences of "[conj] would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
2 ‘ I do n't want a nurse who might scream or faint when matters become difficult , or would swoon at the sight of blood , ’ said Dr Neil , a little frantically , trying to care for his patient and send McAllister away at the same time .
3 When they were , by one LEA , advised about how to produce a management plan , they were told that there was probably " much information already in the school which would either be part of the plan or would help in the process of producing specific documents within it . "
4 Thus the electrons would either escape from the atom altogether or would spiral into the nucleus .
5 This might imply many small communities , thereby missing out on possible gains that would arise from the existence of economies of scale in the production of local output .
6 But with the next work , Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat , in 1968 , Lloyd Webber struck a form that would serve as the foundation for a run of successes .
7 Early research at the NWRRL focused on developing a GIS for use by the police and county emergency planning officers in Cumbria that would aid in the management of a possible explosion at a chemical factory in Whitehaven , west Cumbria ( Vincent et al. 1988 ; Dunn 1989 ) .
8 It was like interviewing someone who had answered one of her frequent advertisements for a daily maid , trying to create a spurious atmosphere of equality and friendship that would compensate for the low pay she had to offer .
9 This despite the increasingly apocalyptic talk about the inflation and unemployment that would arrive with the launch on new year 's day of a set of economic reforms : price liberalisation , the sale of small businesses and internal convertibility of the crown ( meaning that Czechoslovak firms licensed to conduct foreign trade can now buy as much foreign currency as they want at the newly unified exchange rate ) .
10 and one of the criteria that Derek said that they would , would be supporting bids were for ones that would start at the beginning of May .
11 But if disposing of the waste generated by the Hinkley C reactor during its normal operation was a problem , what about the waste that would result from the eventual shutdown and dismantling at the end of its hoped-for forty years of operational life — the process described as ‘ decommissioning ’ ?
12 Officials at Ford allegedly predicted the number of severe burn injuries and deaths that would result from the defect , and estimated that the cost of repairing the car would exceed anticipated court settlements . ’
13 In the present case , the only promise that would result from the consideration , as stated , and be co-extensive with it , would be to deliver the horse upon request .
14 The project will examine the economic principle that should govern the taxation of energy ( domestic and industrial fuels and motor fuel ) in the single European market , and will assess the range of effects ( including effects on industrial competitiveness , environmental objectives , income distribution and public revenues ) that would result from the adoption of various possible Community rules for the structure and level of energy taxes .
15 It was a command that would result in the slaying of actress of Sharon Tate ( who was pregnant with film director Roman Polanski 's child at the time of her fatal stabbing ) , coffee heiress Abigail Folger and her lover Wojiciech Frykowski , delivery boy Steven Earl Parent and Hollywood hair stylist to the stars , Jay Sebring .
16 Will he contrast that excellent achievement under Conservative trade union law with the undoubted industrial chaos that would result in the unlikely event of the Labour party 's returning to government ?
17 In the same way it might consider with sister Training Boards what possibilities there were for training part-time farmers and their families in non-agricultural activities that would contribute to the rural community .
18 The Secretary of State hoped that qualified members of the teaching staff would pursue research that would contribute to the ‘ better performance of their teaching duties ’ , but he did not envisage that ‘ in the ordinary way it will be necessary for members of the academic staff to devote the whole or most of their time to research ’ .
19 He was playing with her emotions , stringing them out like a taut band that would snap at the slightest pressure .
20 And what heaven could the preacher offer that would compare with the joys of the long summer evenings , messing about in boats with other laughing boys and girls ?
21 The size of the room restricted the amount of furniture that would fit in the room .
22 We confidently assume that the results set out here will , in their broad principles , be valid for any language ; however , because of the limitless domains that would appear on the horizon if one were to include proper exemplification from other languages , and since there is ample material to consider in English alone , the latter is the basis on which the investigation will proceed .
23 It was a type that would appear throughout the New Zealand system .
24 There is , I believe , a strong case for encouraging more administrators from the developing countries to participate in seminars of that sort , while at the same time trying to reduce the very heavy demand that would make on the time of people primarily engaged in other tasks .
25 Police now considered the case a murder inquiry and were appealing for any information that would lead to the killer .
26 Living in the troubled times of the late fourth and early fifth centuries , St Augustine regarded the Christian era as the age of senility and decay that would lead to the seventh age when time would end , although he was careful not to forecast a definite date for this .
27 We put in at a very tiny stream that would lead to the main waterway .
28 Gaitskell became excited at the prospect and instructed me with great firmness that as soon as I had received the ‘ discovered ’ documents I was to show them to no one but to come straight to him , so that he should be the first person to know who the culprit was or what information was available that would lead to the culprit 's identity .
29 Polozkov saw the two-party system as an attempt to divide and weaken the working class ; he rejected anything that would lead to the emergence of divisions between rich and poor in Soviet society , and insisted upon the dominance of state control and ownership .
30 He walked barefoot around the reception building , on the new tarmac for the first few strides and then onto the beaten earth pathway that would lead to the back , his flashlight beam ranging over the ground as he moved .
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