Example sentences of "[conj] would [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , there may be those who would argue that the entrenchment of the middle ground in power would be a good thing that would lead to moderate government and stable policies , but let them not argue that it would also be fair or would give the majority of people what they wanted of government .
2 The court has to be satisfied that there are substantial grounds for believing that , if released on bail , the defendant would fail to appear for trial , would commit an offence while on bail , or would obstruct the course of justice .
3 If the exclusion is for a fixed period which would bring the aggregate exclusion in any term to more than five days or would involve the pupil missing a public examination , the governors or LEA may order the reinstatement of the pupil and the head teacher would be bound to comply with the direction .
4 But the vast majority of such sentences would either not fit into the story ( message ) meaningfully , or would alter the story to a greater or lesser degree .
5 This would ensure , inter alia , that defendants charged with relatively trivial acts would neither suffer the stigma of conviction for a serious offence with a high penalty nor would run the risk of a more severe sentence than would have been dispensed under the old law .
6 : the computer has no knowledge of the cultural norms that would identify the fridge as being a likely repository for food .
7 I would welcome anything that would improve the legislation .
8 It was the indictments of the Audit Commission that led the Secretary of State for Social Services to ask Sir Roy Griffiths ‘ to review the way in which public funds are used to support community care policy and to advise … on the options for action that would improve the use of these funds as a contribution to more effective community care ’ .
9 The Nadd Al Sheba course came about when the Sheikh asked Trutch to devise a scheme that would improve the appearance of the desert wastes inside the city 's popular racetrack .
10 The research was supported by WACC and carried out by the Centre for Artistic and Cultural Research ( ceneca ) with the aim of encouraging TV networks to carry programmes that would improve the quality of young people 's lives and thereby enhance their contribution to national life .
11 However , it is unclear to me at this time what recommendations one could put in the form of legislation to be put before the House that would command the majority needed to make sensible legislation , to allow the country to move forward in the 1990s .
12 And another resident was in favour of any proposal that would slow the traffic down .
13 Indeed , socialism was expected to release the dynamic qualities of the British people that would create the wealth needed to sustain standards of living and world power .
14 The High Elf sorcerers chanted the spell that would create the vortex .
15 It was safe from air attack and shielded by the Karochooq mountain mass from satellite photography that would tell the story of the purpose for which this rock cave was fashioned .
16 It 's only if there 's a sort of niggling problem that would tell the coordinator about and they would pass it to the police officers .
17 This will be appreciated by the candidate and prevent any unnecessary bad feeling that would affect the outcome .
18 Though this would not satisfy purists , the only factor that would invalidate the productivity index for this purpose would be if some companies had widely different subcontract proportions in their outputs ; these would have apparently higher figures than the others .
19 In making such judgements , the Home Secretary would call on expert advice from licence sponsors and referees , the Home Office inspectorate and a properly-balanced advisory committee that would oversee the code .
20 Ian Oswald and Phil Telford then detailed the review of branch procedures that would involve the development of Formlink , enhancement of the LAN system and an appropriate reduction in unnecessary clerical tasks .
21 The idea was to create a spatial framework that would carry the sightline of viewers towards a central focus .
22 It would be difficult to build water-gathering reservoirs of the size of those found in other Parts of the Pennines in the Dales because of the many eaves and potholes that would carry the water away .
23 And it would be a picture of his true warm humanity that would bring the money in for the project .
24 The Rev Fred Nile , of the Uniting Church , leader of the religious-based Call to Australia Party , is against amendments planned by the State Government that would outlaw the vilification of homosexuals .
25 But two powerful senators , Robert Dole and Howard Metzenbaum , scotched the idea , saying it was a special interest tax break that would cost the Treasury $64 million over four years .
26 It would have even more credibility if the Labour party was not pledged to introduce a minimum wage that would cost the health service £500 million .
27 The Conservative Conference : Easy lie the locks that would bear the crown
28 He found the panel that would open the way to escape .
29 perhaps even more importantly , the Commonwealth representatives agreed on four ‘ freedoms ’ of the air that would form the basis of an international settlement : the right of innocent passage over sovereign territory ; the right to land for non-traffic purposes ( i.e. refuelling , repairs , and emergencies ) ; the right to land passengers , mail , and freight from the airline 's country of origin ; and the right to pick up passengers , mail , and freight for passage to the airline 's country of origin .
30 It was here that the dogs came into their own , casting about for any tell-tale scent that would betray the presence of a hidden bomb .
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