Example sentences of "[conj] which be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In the next chapter , I shall examine the work of Goody , which appears to justify the ‘ autonomous ’ model from a more detached , anthropological perspective and which is probably the major source of general conceptions about literacy outside that discipline .
2 Words to the Beatles were just coincidental to the sounds , which really is what rock'n'roll is , and which is why the vocals tend to be mixed down .
3 To die from a bullet seems to be nothing ; parts of our being remain intact ; but to be dismembered , torn to pieces , reduced to pulp , this is a fear that flesh can not support and which is fundamentally the great suffering of the bombardment …
4 Knighton is ready to offer the Manchester United boss a new deal on the 50.6 per cent shareholding which he sought to buy from Edwards for £10m , and which is now the subject of a damaging legal wrangle in the High Court .
5 One project looks at the diagrammatic system which Euler , the great German mathematician , invented in the eighteenth century to teach a German Princess syllogisms , and which is still the basis of much teaching of elementary logic and mathematics .
6 Custodial Investments are essentially bearer instruments and readily disposable investments held for a client and which are neither the subject of a discretionary management agreement nor held in connection with any personal appointment and which the firm can sell without the client needing to authorise such sale .
7 There is certainly a continuing interest in Ankara in irredentist Turkish claims on Kirkuk and Mosul in northern Iraq , which are in the homeland 5m Kurds and which are also the centre of Iraq 's northern oil fields .
8 The Story of the Fraserburgh Lifeboats takes a similar look at the Fraserburgh lifeboat station , which had one of the first lifeboats to be built and which was also the first RNLI lifeboat station in Scotland .
9 In the event , it was May 1983 , a year later , before the issue was again put to the members and then in an appropriately revised form which took account of the above amendment , but also revised the overall approach to the issue , and which was probably the better for it .
10 Norwich was then experiencing difficulty in securing a satisfactory reference for Mr. Tee from the Royal Life Insurance Ltd. , for whom Mr. Tee had managed a branch in the city of Winchester and which was currently the subject of an internal audit .
11 In particular Jones had a complete count of neutrons and also of their energies , so he could tell which neutrons came from cosmic rays and which were possibly the result of fusion .
12 The antagonist as a religious believer is right to assert that the moral code comes from a sacred source , which he calls God , but which is really the Primal Father .
13 I lifted Harry until he was sitting on the walkway and then , still gripping him tightly , wriggled up beside him so that we were both sitting there with our heads wholly above water , which may not sound a great advance but which was probably the difference between life and death .
14 With that as its dominant posture , particular schemes could fail and it would still retain and perhaps even enhance its support , if it could claim that it pursued a course which was known to be difficult but which was still the ideologically sound thing to do .
15 Could that be , perhaps , the Isla Esperanza and , beyond , the much larger Hanover Island , Isla Jorge Montt and the chunk of rock the Royal Navy ( who found it ) once called Cambridge Island , but which was now the Isla Diego de Almagro ?
16 At the end of his first week back , Baldwin went to stay at Cumberland Lodge , in Windsor Great Park , only a few miles front Fort Belvedere , a bijou residence which justified its martial name only by looking like a toy castle , but which was nonetheless the King 's main base throughout his brief reign .
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