Example sentences of "[conj] she be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the Dorrits come into their fortune Mr Plornish is found ‘ a small share in a small builder 's business ’ , and Mrs Plornish is established ‘ in the small grocery and general trade in a snug little shop at the crack end of the Yard ’ , where she is joined by her poor father , Old Nandy , to whom she is devoted , and assisted by Maggy .
2 Mrs Barzach will have a much more difficult time retaining her seat in the 15th arrondissement of Paris , which she has represented for only the past three years and where she is standing against the well-established local RPR mayor ( and deputy mayor of the capital ) .
3 Rosamund Cresswell attends Farnborough Hill Convent College where she is studying for the GCSE examinations and in September she moves to the Sixth Form at Wellington College .
4 Scouting takes up much of Sarah 's spare time but she still squeezes in regular visits to Huddersfield Technical College where she is studying for two ‘ A ’ levels — geography and business studies .
5 Describing herself as something of a ‘ social victim ’ , she has temporarily torn herself away from urban distractions in favour of time and space at a ‘ country abode ’ , where she is working on material for a second album , due in November .
6 Rosemarie Ford is also superfit as she dashes regularly between London and Bristol , where she is starring as Grizabella in ‘ Cats ’ .
7 Her warlike appearance dates only from the next century and is very much a creation of the Restoration court , where she was developed as a symbol of the victory of the British in the Dutch Wars .
8 Wearing a smart , grey check suit Mrs Davies explained how she and Gilfoyle met at the Murrayfield Hospital where she was employed as a food service assistant .
9 Five of the boats were then in build and number two was virtually complete , on time to take centre stage at the London Boat Show , where she was displayed outside Earls Court .
10 Tumbling blearily on deck in my pyjamas I was confronted by the huge bulk of a klondyke trawler ramming alongside us , and I was just in time to see her huge fender catch our motor dory and sink her where she was tied to our stern .
11 It was Paddy who , on a June day in 1985 , dropped Sarah at Windsor Castle 's private entrance where she was met by a footman and taken to her room by one of the Queen 's ladies-in-waiting .
12 The Queen flew into RAF Aldergrove in County Antrim , where she was met by Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew , Army GoC Lt General Roger Wheeler and the RUC Deputy Chief Constable Blair Wallace .
13 Firearms experts then entered the house to bring out Leanne Rees , who was taken by ambulance to Darlington Memorial Hospital , where she was treated for shock .
14 Tracy West , who was knocked down , was picked up by bystanders and taken to a nearby shop , where she was treated for shock before being taken to the Memorial Hospital .
15 In 1977 she elected to go to a nursing home in Regent 's Park where she was treated by Dr Maurice Lipsedge , a psychiatrist who , by pure coincidence , cared for Diana a decade later when she resolved to fight her bulimia .
16 I looked for her where she was lodged with her foster-parents . ’
17 Should she join the group of young vets who had qualified with her two years ago or should she go straight back to her godmother 's house , where she was staying for the duration of this annual veterinary congress ?
18 Unhappy with the Steads , where she was beaten with a leather strap for wetting the bed , Ruth found a happier relationship with another family , but she could not rid herself of the insecurity .
19 She was pushed into a big office where she was faced by a rather handsome Obersturmfuhrer .
20 It was one of wistful regret rather than fretful anxiety and had taken her to her daughter 's bedroom , where she was sorting through the show-jumping rosettes Samantha had accumulated during her hippomanic early teens .
21 The book emerged on Monday , on Wednesday was broadcast as a play , on Thursday Daniel George ( Dan , Dan , the literary man , John calls him ) spoke on the wireless and said she was the greatest writer of her day , and on Sunday morning the book was discussed by a querulous little bunch called ‘ The Critics ’ , who seem to be part of the Establishment , and on Sunday afternoon , lo and behold , the television ( commercial ) went into Braemar Mansions itself , where she was interviewed by Alan Pryce-Jones [ then Editor of The Times Literary Supplement ] … .
22 She was rushed to the Royal Alexandra Hospital , where she was put on a life support machine .
23 They then searched Mrs Roche and , having found nothing , took her into custody , and conveyed her by tram to the Police Station , where she was released on bail .
24 Shortly after her birth the family moved to Clapham , south London , where she was educated at home .
25 Now , laboriously rescued by Thessy 's father , a fisherman , Masquerade was standing in the sandy backyard of Thessy 's house where she was cradled by timber props among the casuarinas and palm trees , and where chickens roosted in her cockpit .
26 I arranged to meet her in the tiny port at Tala-Tala where she was waiting for me .
27 Gathering her back into his arms , he unclipped the safety line on her lifejacket and lifted her on to the saloon settee where she was protected from the surging water by his BMW .
28 Without waiting for The Fat Controller 's reaction to all this , she turned and went back to her own table , where she was greeted with little ‘ Well done 's and furtive shoulder pats from her fellow diners .
29 Where she came from , where she was going to , or what her name was , nobody knows . ’
30 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
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