Example sentences of "[conj] in the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hotman 's case is particularly interesting in that where in the first version the word populus was used , in the 1576 edition the term ordines , meaning orders or estates , was inserted to " clarify " the meaning , or , we might suspect , to reassure those alarmed by the dangerously democratic sound of the first version .
2 Either in March or in the second budget which is due in December this year tax increases of some kind therefore seem inevitable .
3 Either in March or in the second budget , which is due in December , tax increases of some kind therefore seem inevitable .
4 However , it is too soon to say with any degree of certainty to what extent computerization spells the end of TNC jobs in the Third , or in the First World ( Caulkin , 1989 ) .
5 But it would be wrong to stress either in the middle ages or in the sixteenth century — the significance of parliamentary opposition .
6 The final goal of all the Waldens , Dimblebys , and Days is to hit the headlines on the news broadcasts ( or in the next day 's papers ) by tripping up their interviewee or extorting an apology from him , or convicting him of a contradiction .
7 Since Roberts was not mentioned in Spratt or in the next case , Parmenter [ 1991 ] 2 WLR 408 , those cases are per incuriam .
8 They always seemed to be beyond the next corner or in the next room .
9 Although there were no significant differences in the global left ventricular ejection fractions whether patients were treated early or in the third hour , when the global left ventricular ejection fraction measured in these patients was plotted against time and a regression analysis performed , the delay in treatment was significantly related to the global ejection fraction , i.e. the longer the delay to treatment the lower the global ejection fraction .
10 Bits and pieces are still filtering out from IBM Corp 's conference call with analysts after its third quarter figures last week , and its director of investor relations Jim Clippard finally acknowledged that IBM could cut its workforce even more than the 25,000 announced in December , late in second quarter or in the third quarter : ‘ It 's clear to me that they have to go well beyond the 25,000 , ’ said PaineWebber analyst Stephen Smith , ‘ Maybe even 50,000 ; ’ analysts told Reuter that IBM said the majority of its targeted 25,000 plus staffers will leave the company during the second quarter , leaving it open to another plan in the second half of 1993 .
11 ‘ I want to give to charity , but I 'm torn between helping someone ‘ on my own doorstep ’ or in the Third World ’ .
12 At tapes up next month there will be a team on the track at Oxford Stadium … albeit in the second division
13 This means that the added contradicting note must be a major or minor 2nd ( or 7th or 9th ) distant from either existing note : To form four-part harmony we now add a lower part which again contradicts an upper part except in the fifth chord .
14 That argument would I think be very persuasive if I were able to be confident that the levels of conversion is one which would be an adequate and proper one , it is relatively new , there is nothing wrong with that , it is not apparently been a conversion which has been put into practice , except in the last year because have only started conversion when the Nissan Serena was brought out .
15 Both of them found it difficult to express their feelings on the war , except in the third person , so strong were their views .
16 Although in the 19th century , the Federal Government was involved in a range of state and local functions , during the 20th century it has become far more difficult to differentiate national from state from local functions . ’
17 Although in the first war years the Party substantially cut down the number of meetings devoted to ‘ training ’ in ideological matters — which had never enjoyed much popularity — and concentrated in its regular work in the localities on trying to fulfil ‘ the popular demand for a more lively participation in the events of the day ’ , as one report put it , it was unable to build up much interest in Party work or to enhance the popularity of the local Party organizations .
18 It is curious that although in the nineteenth century the historical picture was the most prestigious , and the anecdotal picture the most popular , it is the scientific illustration-birds , flowers , ships , steam-engines , and great buildings such as railway stations — which catch and hold our attention and admiration .
19 ‘ But the authorities make it quite clear … that before the constable is in a position to choose between a specimen of blood or a specimen of urine on the defendant 's claim that one or other specimens should be substituted for the specimen of breath , the defendant must be made aware not merely that he can have the breath specimen substituted by some other specimen in general terms , but that the alternative specimen can be one either of blood or of urine , although in the last resort , subject to the proviso to subsection ( 4 ) as to medical practitioners , the choice is that of the police officer .
20 For example , although in the last chapter I advocated a policy of not hoarding , there are certain exceptions .
21 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
22 What is clear is that this golden age did not exist in the mid 1950s , in the first part of this century nor in the first half of the last century .
23 Ian Adamson , one of the keenest Protestant Gaelic speakers , who inherited his interest from a Gaelic-speaking great-grandmother from western Scotland , claims that in the 19th century , when Catholics were turning from Gaelic to English , Protestants helped to keep the language alive .
24 Meadows has stated that in the 19th century , local geological studies represented worthwhile research in their own right ; but in the 20th century , local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals only if they incorporate , and reflect on , the wider geological picture .
25 There is no doubt that in the 19th century the courts did consider the adequacy of consideration in restraint of trade cases , but more recently in M & S Drapers v Reynolds [ 1957 ] 1 WLR 9 Hodson LJ said " … although the position of the employee has to be considered , the court will not inquire into the adequacy of the consideration or weigh the advantages accruing to the covenantor under the contract against the disadvantages imposed on him by the restraint " .
26 So to the middle-aged man who came up to me in the car park and confessed that in the fifth form he had been silently in love with me — why did n't he say so at the time ?
27 It is not surprising that in the mid-fourth century the shape of the Pyramids should have influenced the architecture of an otherwise Greek building like the Mausoleum at Halikarnassus ; or that the cult of the Egyptian Isis should have had worshippers at fourth-century Athens ( Tod 189 , line 44 and p. 178 ) .
28 We shall see that in the nineteenth century this limited and special capacity was extended with some modifications to all married women ( see pp. 50–4 ) ; but that in 1935 it was swept away , and married women were given the same capacity to own property and make contracts as a man .
29 All centuries , of course , have been centuries of change ; but few would deny that in the nineteenth century change was greatly accelerated ; that much was apparent to the more perceptive of those living at that time .
30 Whether or not in our time parents may be said to be justified by the sad statistics of the permissive society , it is certain that in the nineteenth century , parents had little option because of the sad statistics of mortality among children .
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