Example sentences of "[conj] in [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 These certainly were not in the box when it arrived in England and I fear were purloined from you either at Perth or Sydney , the tin box where in all probability you intended to put them not being opened at the Docks .
2 There is an appropriation where in those circumstances he later assumes " a right to it by keeping or dealing with it as owner " .
3 Platform weapons were set to allow nothing to rise more than a thousand kilometres from the surface of the world below — or in other words they had a killing range of about thirty-five thousand kilometres .
4 or in some cases you get two intermediate routes
5 This may be charged on the actual amount of water you use or a percentage of it , or in some areas it may be based on the rateable value of your home .
6 When the children worked individually or in smaller groups he acted as adviser/supervisor to " wander round , look over shoulders , give encouragement , ask pertinent questions , look at folders of work , help on slow groups , etc. " ( ibid . )
7 They all like a dryish soil in full sun ; in rich conditions or in shady spots they tend to grow too lush and produce too few flowers .
8 When we hear of a sustained flow of funds ‘ into ’ investment trusts , we must recognise that extra funds do not go into the trust at all ( except in one case we shall come to in a moment ) .
9 Even for the three vertebrate cases , the ways in which the wing is constructed are quite different , although in each case they are modifications of the same fundamental structure , the pentadactyl limb .
10 At the other end of the scale , although in many cases it is open to private individuals to prosecute for breach of the criminal law , it is generally thought , for various reasons , that usually it is best for public prosecutors to take such action .
11 However , this is not a time for complacency because , although in many respects you are in control of your own destiny , there are certain obstacles to be surmounted before you have a completely free hand .
12 It is a Yorkshire dale in a classic sense with sweeping contours and a fierce beauty on the grand scale , although in recent years it has been placed in County Durham ( not that locals pay any attention to such cultural vandalism ) .
13 Its base unit is the kilogram although in chemical calculations it is often more convenient to use grams .
14 Little explicit literary evidence confirms this view of the Council ; there is for instance nothing in the pamphlet we call the Old Oligarch , written in c.425 , although in other contexts it does comment on the influence at Athens enjoyed by the wealthy and well-born .
15 Choice of the insurer is yours and an existing policy can be considered , although in such cases it may require depositing with the bank as security .
16 And yet , although he was a scientific naturalist and although in frequent essays he reminds us of the insignificance and unimportance of man in the whole scheme of things , it 's plain that , from the beginning , and as I hope I shall be able to show you , right down to the end , he found something emotionally hard to bear , I was going to say , in fact , intolerable , in this situation .
17 He had carried the day , of course , for although in fourteen years he had made himself supreme King in Alba , he was born to the north , and from Moray to the northernmost island of Orkney he was the leader men trusted and knew .
18 Re-writing the partnership agreement will not be a practicable exercise in larger firms , although in certain circumstances it may become necessary , eg if in the course of negotiations with a new partner some hitherto unsuspected inadequacy is revealed .
19 Although in most senses he enjoyed being there , to the denuded hills and the blackened crofts of neglected Dalriada , it also gave him cause for concern .
20 Hibernation deaths are probably common , although in most cases they probably result in isolated carcases well apart from each other .
21 There may sometimes be problems in deciding which member of a pair is the endonym and which the exonym , although in most cases we can trust our intuitions .
22 This is the main highway from Istanbul , which lies about 100 miles to the east , to the Greek border , some 100 miles to the west , and although in most parts it has a good tarmac surface it is in the main single carriageway .
23 Outdoor pursuits , especially walks , were promoted at all times , reading by oneself only when it was raining , and television not at all ( although in old age she herself became a tireless watcher of ‘ the News ’ ) .
24 By then La Rotonde , which had opened in 1911 , had become the place for artists to meet , and every morning Nina met Modi selling his drawings for five francs ( although in bad times he reduced the price to three francs ) .
25 So it was that although in those days I was often homesick , missing Harry , missing Daisy , it was never unbearable .
26 ‘ Royal Glyn-Neath ’ , we call it , although in those days it was only a little nine-hole course .
27 Ezra was a cobbler who also acted as a local estate agent , although in those days he would n't have recognised the term .
28 Although in three cases it was recognised that the operation was technically unsatisfactory and early rebleeding was encountered in each case , in the rest there appeared to be no obvious explanation for these surgical failures .
29 Presumably it saw service for iron working at some time , although in later life it was used for corn grinding , saw milling , as well as being operated for a time as a maltings .
30 Historians have found some manors where the local custom was for the widow to receive a half proportion , or even the whole , and yet in others apparently none — although in these cases it is more likely that the documentation is being misconstrued .
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