Example sentences of "[conj] a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Would seeing a re-run of the incident , as he had recounted it , help Terry Gill to a firmer conclusion ?
2 The same logic appears to apply in relation to the housing market , where a doubling of the stamp duty threshold giveth this year what reduced mortgage tax relief next year taketh away .
3 Naylor ( 1986 ) also gives an example of a tangible link between SBUs when he cites the interdependence of the multiple car lines at General Motors , where a change in the demand for one line may well be reflected in another .
4 If that failed , the next move would probably be to a Federal penitentiary where a fight in the yard or a sudden bout of pneumonia would secure his silence for good .
5 Still on the right and at eye level on Kampa Island are the eaves of the House of the Virgin Mary , where a painting of the Virgin which was said to have come floating downstream has been used as a house sign and a cult object .
6 There may even be considerable altruism on the part of the donor , particularly where a member of the family is also a student in the institution .
7 The symbol is widely used in shops and so on , where a member of the staff is happy to be helpful .
8 Local authorities have a statutory duty to provide accommodation for homeless households in ‘ priority need ’ ( eg households with dependent children or where a member of the household is vulnerable due to mental illness or old age ) .
9 There are such cases — where a novel idea originated with the Committee 's Opinion and is then taken into the legislation , where a national judge or European Advocate-General cites a Committee report or where a member of the European Parliament says in evidence that he will prepare an amendment to respond to a concern expressed by a sub-committee and then does so .
10 Where a member of the Parliamentary Labour Party is representing this party in parliament for the first time the above ( normal ) procedure shall be set in motion not earlier than eighteen months after his or her election as Member of Parliament .
11 ( 2 ) this rule does not apply where a member of the public deposits money with a solicitor who is acting as agent for a building society or other financial institution and the solicitor has not advised that person as a client as to the disposition of the money .
12 It 's the tenth time already this year Thames Valley Police have dealt with an offence where a member of the public 's been threatened with a gun .
13 ‘ If you 're going to enjoy Tivoli as it deserves to be enjoyed , I think for tonight at least we should call a truce , ’ he suggested , apparently unaware of her intense reaction to his touch , as they walked past the Pantominteatret , where a performance of the traditional Italian pantomime was taking place on the open-air stage .
14 In order to find out more of what this writer thinks about imitation , we are in a position to consult a work by him where a treatise on the subject is developed at intervals and where he writes in propria persona .
15 The road to the fell leaves the A65 at Cowan Bridge , a small village where a tablet on the gable of a former school proudly proclaims that the Brontë sisters were educated there in 1824–25 before the transfer of the school to Casterton .
16 There was a military precision about the grounds and gardens — this avenue , once lined with Dutch Elm lies to the north of the house … where a statue of the first duke overlooks his home — to the south , there was once what was called the military parterre garden — a formal gardens made up of box hedges and gravel walks — now long gone .
17 Harris is believed to have said on receiving the Directive to form a Target Marking Force , that this was one more occasion where a commander in the field had been dictated to by junior officers at the Ministry .
18 After killing a number of traders and native policemen , and an elder who had counselled prudence , they took to the hills , where a detachment of the King 's African Rifles surprised them and drove them out , with about twenty casualties .
19 On the far bank , where a tributary of the Swale forms the waterfall of East Gill Force , a short climb arrives at a lane and here the two routes part company , never again to meet : Pennine Wayfarers turn left for Tan Hill , and Coast to Coasters turn right across a bridge to follow the lane eastwards high above the gorge of the Swale to reach Crackpot Hall .
20 Of course , the ideal is to invest in a spinning reel , where a swivel in the line connection to the kite is all that is needed to remove any unwanted twist or torque .
21 A plan to restrict late-night pub opening generally to 1.30am across a three-mile-square area of central Edinburgh , where a number of the area 's 500 pubs and clubs can open until 3am or 4am , has provoked a deep division in the district council 's Labour group .
22 A Super Class 1 transaction ( requiring an immediate announcement to the market , a circular to the offeror 's shareholders and their prior approval in general meeting ) is one where a comparison of the target 's assets , profits , gross capital etc with the value of those of the offeror is 25 per cent or more .
23 However , a skeleton chronology is now available ( see Appendix E , where a list of the pavements under discussion is also provided ) .
24 Secondly , there is a buyer credit where a bank in the exporter 's country provides a loan to the importer .
25 Purchasers in future will be able to safeguard themselves by ensuring that permission to develop is forthcoming before they pay more than current existing-use value or , where a claim on the fund passes with the land , current existing-use value plus 1947 development value .
26 The extent of this immunity was stated most widely in Duncan v. Cammel Laird ( H. L. , 1942 ) , where a claim by the Admiralty that documents relating to the construction of a submarine should not be disclosed , was upheld .
27 Where a defendant in the face of evidence that a woman demonstrated lack of consent , alleges belief in consent on the basis of information given him by a third party , he may well , whether expressly or impliedly , be appealing to the idea of female masochism .
28 HOWEVER MUCH THE hotel maid sprinkled her lemon scouring powder , the salle de bains ( so designated by a chipped blue-and-white oval enamel plaque ) still smelled of stagnant drains , as if it functioned as an extension of the narrow street outside , where a section of the gutter exuded a steady reek of staleness , sweetish-sour , and not entirely unpleasant to Miranda .
29 Inversion where a section of the DNA is inverted which also results in an altered RNA ; an incorrect protein .
30 There was a breakfast room set aside for the train party where a piece of the mystery would unravel each morning .
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