Example sentences of "[conj] be [adj] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The rectories and vicarages I visited played a more important part in the rural community than they have done since or are likely ever to do again .
2 However the legislation specifically forbad the use of vegetation or planters in the roadway that would either obstruct vision or be high enough to hide children from the view of approaching drivers .
3 Few Britons in the middle of the eighteenth century had seen the ocean or were likely ever to do so .
4 Anyone who believes that the Bill goes far enough or is radical enough to satisfy customers ' interests is living in cloud cuckoo land .
5 She had not even attracted any positive repression , nor been significant enough to affect her husband 's career .
6 Although the Society of Gardeners gave their name to the Catalogus Plantarum ( Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs both Exotick and Domestic that are Hardy enough to Bear the Cold of our Climate in the Open Air and are Propagated for Sale in the Gardens near London ) 1730 , Philip Miller and Thomas Fairchild are thought to have been its chief promoters .
7 Metals may become unexpectedly mobile If they become attached to colloids that are small enough to move with the groundwater .
8 Endobiliary biopsy has only recently been introduced after the manufacture of biopsy forceps that are small enough to enter the biliary tree without a sphincterotomy .
9 By contrast , poorly-insulated subjects , especially if wet , have their rate of cooling dramatically increased by even light winds that are strong enough to disturb the boundary layer around them .
10 Yes , the stage is larger than life and it is about emotions that are big enough to wrap round you .
11 It becomes important , therefore , that any new antihypertensive drug should be compared with other agents in clinical trials that are large enough to detect infrequent adverse morbid events .
12 Choose teams for bulk work providers that are large enough to include lawyers at different levels , and small enough for expertise and client contact to build up .
13 Ladybirds have done well out of the exceptional summer , as have sweet chestnut trees ; this is the first year that I can recall collecting chestnuts locally that are large enough to eat .
14 The relevant question is not whether the average deviation from the no-arbitrage condition is significantly different from zero , but whether there are sometimes deviations from the no-arbitrage condition that are large enough to cover transactions costs .
15 If the garden does not already have them , then you will be able to erect fences that are high enough to deter intruders and give you privacy of course .
16 The finance branch simply wants charges that are high enough to recoup the costs of building and running the plant .
17 Corporate strategy in manufacturing thus has to take into account the fact that organizations that are able rapidly to adapt to change have a competitive advantage in the face of changing technology and volatile product markets .
18 But I just used to have this dream , of all these animals , and I had to go in with all these animals , it was actually full , crammed full of animals , that were all out to eat me , and , kill me ,
19 The first bonding systems for dentine that were reproducible enough to eliminate the need for mechanically retentive cavities were first seen in the late 1970s .
20 If you are looking for a ‘ friendly ’ shampoo that is gentle enough to use everyday , then Gridelin Rainwater is definitely one to try .
21 Soaked golfers can dry their shoes overnight on a convenient low-wattage , electronically-heated rack that is gentle enough to dry leather without making it crack .
22 Mythical , yes , but nevertheless a shared reality that is potent enough to control people 's lives .
23 I do not have a straw that is long enough to take a drink with him .
24 A fully equipped microscope that is small enough to fit into a pocket has won a BBC Product Design award .
25 ‘ What I want , ’ Little Billy went on , ‘ is a bird that is big enough to carry me .
26 Science is thought of as a subject that is difficult both to teach and to learn .
27 Science is thought of as a subject that is difficult both to teach and to learn .
28 In short , Power Launcher 2.0 provides the Windows user with a level of functionality and speed of use that is difficult not to get used to .
29 Such multiple loss , perhaps taken with earlier experiences of loss , may produce grief that is profound enough to overwhelm the capacity for verbal consciousness .
30 Toshiba has solved this problem by introducing a mouse and software that 's clever enough to handle this and other demands as well .
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