Example sentences of "[conj] be [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This provides that the terms of a contract with a sole member/director must either be set out in a written memorandum or be made the subject of a report to the next available board meeting and recorded in the board minutes .
2 At best the amphibious raiders might have panoramic shots from aerial reconnaissance , or be given a flight over the target beach .
3 So far as cancellation and termination are concerned , in most conventional types of contracts , the seller would wish to perform , or be given the opportunity to perform the contract .
4 The indexer can either be constrained as to the number of themes to index per document , or be given the option of indexing as many themes as possible .
5 Pick shafts for bats and all men must play in top hats , or be fined a crown ! ’
6 For Higher Rate Taxpayers , when the Bond matures or is surrendered the profit for tax purposes is calculated as the final proceeds less the original investment .
7 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
8 This may occur where a lower level official may have specialised knowledge or is considered an expert in some area .
9 It would not appear that the debtor need be informed of the application nor be given the opportunity to attend the hearing of the application .
10 To admit to being innocent of guile somehow smacked of being undesirable , immature , but far better that than be thought an actress .
11 This is an oncost which , if handled professionally , will save the operator money rather than be considered a liability .
12 But going back to some of these places you mentioned , were there any rocks that were given a name or stones ?
13 Perhaps he is referring to some figures that were leaked a couple of weeks ago from the Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland — a reference to 44 inward investment jobs .
14 Although it will probably never be a picture postcard village , during the last two or three years some farmers have started to replace the hedges that were removed a generation ago , and to plant trees , so perhaps in years to come the parish will again look something like the pictures of it in days gone by , less bleak and windswept than it does today .
15 In our opinion not all of the pouch excisions performed would not be necessary ; in some of the earlier cases of fistulas that were encountered the pouch might now be salvaged .
16 There are around 4,000 languages in the world today — 6,000 less than were spoken a couple of centuries ago .
17 There are around 4,000 languages in the world today — 6,000 less than were spoken a couple of centuries ago .
18 McLaren insisted that , rather than being paid the advance in one single lump sum , an amount should be paid on the delivery of each track .
19 Their ‘ transition ’ may be no more than being found a placement in residential care after the completion of an independence training college course ( Corbett 1991 ) .
20 It was almost more painful than being labelled a cheat .
21 As the eruption continues the ejected material piles up round the vent , building up that heap of material that is called a volcano .
22 I suppose we were in that meteorological horror that is called an inversion , heat and humidity pressing down on us , numbing the brain and starting the sweat from every pore of the body .
23 For most people whose political and economic power is limited , history is something that is made every day , every week , in a way of living that might either accommodate to future possibilities or wrestle with them .
24 Water that is warmed a degree or two above freezing point sinks into the colder water below , and is replaced ; the resulting density currents stir the lake into turbulence and spread warmth , a process that is enhanced by wind-stirring as the ice disperses .
25 In particular , an organization that is given a task that is controversial and unpopular in many quarters , such as an organization charged to promote racial and sexual equality or one providing help to a stigmatized group such as vagrant alcoholics , may find that it is given an unclear mandate and is placed in a position in which it finds it hard to acquire ‘ legitimacy ’ for its activities .
26 To the left is a wide , airy area that is given the feeling of a conservatory by huge windows overlooking Belfast Lough and all that foliage .
27 The practical examinations have a syllabus that is varied every year or two , but which , at each grade , represents a consistent standard of difficulty .
28 Look , do n't you 'ave a nice romantic book , one that 's called a novel ?
29 An update on the Forest that 's become a dumping ground
30 The Elderflower juice is part of the booming market in adult soft drinks — it 's one of the few businesses that 's beaten the recession .
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