Example sentences of "[conj] the same [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ft , or the same floor space could be obtained on a smaller part of the site by building higher , and so releasing land for car parking and other uses .
2 The main benefit from the customer 's point of view is that he is likely to have his needs met in a more appropriate way than if the market is not segmented ie where the same product range and price are offered regardless of geographical , demographic and buyer-behaviour considerations .
3 It is a reasonably well-known fact that the same computer program can be run on a number of machines , not only different tokens of machines but different types , where that extends to machines working with quite different physical processes .
4 This means that the same video programme can be driven in different directions by different computer programs .
5 The solution using differentiation is shown in Figure 2B , where I have shown that the same transfer price is spot on for both divisions .
6 He has , for example , adopted a single-status policy at United Biscuits , which , among other things , ensures that the same company pension scheme applies equally to top management and the rank and file .
7 I 'm not saying that the same person thought of these two things at once , but
8 Care should be taken that the same classification method is used for all samples plotted , particularly if data are obtained from other , workers , as different classifications can result in variation of the position of plotted points ( and hence composition ) ( Zuffa , 1985 ) .
9 May I inform him , as he has not answered my question , that the same careers service says that nothing has changed and that the same number of young people will not get YTS places , that many of them are fed up with turning up , only to be told that nothing is available and that the continued recession and closures mean that hundreds of them will have nothing to do ?
10 An alternative way of stopping date and time values from changing if you have already made a lot of entries into a spreadsheet is to use the /Range , Value command and specifying the relevant range of cells when prompted ‘ Convert what ? and then pressing enter twice so that the same starting point is used for ‘ To where ? ’ .
11 There is now the danger that the same media circus will be dispatched to Sardinia next summer looking for the same headlines which will produce a similar outcome .
12 The coffins have identical plumbing and outer cases , and it therefore appears that the same funeral furnisher was used throughout , giving a continuity of thirty-one years .
13 The Windows for Workgroups beta included software to permit a DOS machine to hook up to a Windows for Workgroups network , although only as a client , so it 's safe to assume that the same Workgroup Connection software will find its way into version 6 .
14 In around 6 months time I 'll have one of these famed degrees ( hopefully ) and at times I can be equally dopey … to the extent that the same thing happenend to me regarding my cashcard .
15 The right has had the cheek to suggest that the same iron discipline should apply in the aftermath of defeat as in the anticipation of victory .
16 It may be that it suited occasionally that the same parish priest looked after both of them .
17 The assumption that the same constituent game is repeated period after period also implies that collusion , if achieved , is perfectly stable and never breaks down .
18 It is now common in most accounts to begin with the proviso that the designation ‘ nouveau roman ’ is merely a convenient quasi-journalistic or even marketing label attached to an otherwise heterogeneous collection of writers , sharing little other than the same publishing house at one time or another ( Editions de Minuit ) .
19 The review of RAWP estimated an equation in which standardised mortality ratio has an elasticity of roughly 0.5 , so the same 10% increase in standardised mortality ratio would lead to only a 5% increase in funding target .
20 But both firms happen to have the same dividends and the same share price , so that the net and gross dividend yields are the same at 5.31 and 7.08 per cent respectively .
21 This is the case where more than two thirds of the Community turnover of each party concerned in the merger is in one and the same Member State .
22 The automatic gateway supports automatic distributed queries and automatic distributed transactions that span Oracle and non-Oracle data sources , so that the savings account described above could be moved to a DB2 database on an IBM mainframe in Los Angeles , and the same SQL query and update transactions that worked when all of the data was in an Oracle database will continue to work .
23 This method assumes that no two words in the dictionary have the same length and the same vector score .
24 Algal fertilizers ( totally unnecessary , in my opinion ! ) are nearly always based on sodium nitrate and the same test procedure should be conducted as above if it is found absolutely imperative to use it .
25 The Oral Test will be as for the English for Commerce Second Level examination ( see 5.2.2 ) and the same subject code ( 2101 ) will apply .
26 The Oral test will be for the English for Commerce Third Level examination , ( see 5.2.3 ) and the same subject code ( 3101 ) will apply .
27 The evenings were filled with dinners given for us or by us and then the night would become day again and the same pattern repeat itself .
28 Self-awareness , at its deepest level , involves at one and the same time awareness both of our finitude and of the infinity on which we depend .
29 At bottom this division is based on the fact that he is at one and the same time part of the natural order — along with the elements , plants and animals — yet also a spiritual and personal being who feels a destiny and calling to rule over the natural world .
30 This effort on Nizan 's part to promote orthodox sectarian communist party ideology within a bourgeois context found no greater expression than during the year he spent in Bourg-en-Bresse , when he was at one and the same time philosophy teacher at the Lycee Lalande and communist party candidate at the general election of 1932 .
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