Example sentences of "[conj] the [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You could n't say the free food and drink or the luxuriously appointed cabins had bought her , but it had affected the tone of her pieces .
2 He had been a cheerful fellow in those days and life was as inconsequential as a laugh on the wind or the carelessly squandered words of a song .
3 Secondly , the case became representative of the whole thrift scandal , where the newly deregulated savings and loan industry had been pillaged through ruthless speculation and outright fraud .
4 Because of the workings of the housing market the local working population tends to congregate on the village council housing estate ( where one is available ) , where the closely knit patterns of neighbourly association which were part of the occupational community are retained .
5 It was only years later that I came to learn that the easily remembered collects were those that had been translated by Archbishop Cranmer from the Sacramentaries of Popes Leo , Gregory and Gelasius , while the difficult ones to remember were in almost every case the work of reformers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries .
6 He failed as a writer and as an actor but then discovered that the easily acquired skills of movie-making would enable him to become the artist and prophet for which his background had prepared him and for which Progressive America was so eagerly waiting .
7 It is fairly evident that the widely spread limestones and dolomites of chapter 1 are , at least in part , explicable in terms of a wider tropical belt than we have at present .
8 Nevertheless , a 15 m ( 50 ft ) animal is no mean beast ; moreover , because of the way that the earliest known whales so closely resemble modern ones , we have to assume that their ancestry stretched back some way , even though no relevant fossils have yet been discovered .
9 The effect of the provisions is that the newly issued shares are deemed , as it were , to be a replacement of the shares transferred so that no capital gains tax becomes payable on the transfer by the transferor at that stage .
10 These groups move in extensive and exclusive home ranges so that the freely forming parties so common in chimps do not occur .
11 Apart from union complaints about the few jobs generated , there is little sign that the much vaunted investments in high technology are pulling the French out of recession , once a basic tenet of the Chevenement philosophy .
12 For instance , dispersal patterns of the continents following the break-up of Pangaea show that the now separate continents have been moving away from Africa , which itself appears to have remained relatively stationary .
13 Some of these central support groups worked in collaboration with local support groups of teachers and others in an effort to ensure that the centrally endorsed materials were rooted in classroom experience .
14 And it is surely time that the relatively under-resourced areas of England had a fairer allocation of resources to help fight their manifestly worse health and survival chances .
15 Mrs Thatcher also believed that the publicly owned industries were inefficient and an obstacle to the creation of a more dynamic and adaptive economy .
16 As r increases towards r 24.06 the strange invariant set seems to spread out so that the doubly hatched regions on Fig. 6.7a decrease in size .
17 He has suggested that the socially held beliefs of modern society are qualitatively different from those of previous societies .
18 The season was short for tourists in Green 's time and he said that the expensively equipped inns made a frugal living in the two months of the year when they were busy , while for the rest of the year , no one came .
19 The reductionist approach was not providing results in cancer research and I thought that something other than the presently known properties of carcinogens had to be involved as a activator . ’
20 At the worst they were little better off than the best paid sections of the working class and at the best they were able to afford a distinctively different education for their children and adopt a lifestyle which aped their financial betters .
21 He was now nothing more than the neatly tapered ends of corduroy slacks , and a pair of well-worn Canadian hide moccasins .
22 One of the greatest fascinations of provincial printing in Britain is the diversity of localities where presses were set up , often , for example , along the line of canals , where labour was cheap and plentiful … another fascination being that this is a relatively unresearched area , its local beginnings in the eighteenth century often more obscure than the highly recorded beginnings of early printing .
23 He has decided that the reason Iago proffers for his villainy ( especially the absurd idea that both Casio and Othello have slept with his wife ) are genuine , if deranged convictions , rather than the dispassionately improvised rationalisations of a mind that can not even account to itself for its limitless evil .
24 Although the parameters obtained are analogous to those of graphical statistics their derivation employs the entire grain population and so they are more representative than the graphically derived values .
25 If the properly specified steps are not inserted , then the undertaking has no effect . ]
26 If the materially minded evolutionists were right and mind patterns whether in humans or animals are genetically transmitted as nothing more than expressions of biochemistry , then why do dogs still retain the same instincts as the wolf ?
27 A period of prosperity and relatively full employment gave unprecedented bargaining power to the chronically underemployed and brought successful strikes among this previously unorganized lower stratum of workers , including the semi-skilled gas workers , Bryant and May match girls , and the casually employed dockers of London .
28 In this film it was at Carnforth Station in Lancashire , amid the bustle of comings and goings and the steadily hardening rock-cakes of the buffet , that the entwined lives of that most English and most gentle pair of lovers Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson reached crisis point .
29 It is tempting to see the House on the Hill at Vasiliki as a half-way stage in development between the informal village plans and the rigorously organized plans of the temples .
30 In view of the high density of TNF α producing cells in active inflammatory bowel disease , and the well characterised effects of this cytokine , it is probable that TNF α makes an independent contribution to inflammatory tissue damage .
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