Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Or if they ask for Brinkley , people can be guided there .
2 ( d ) Action on receipt of replies First peruse each reply carefully , consider its significance ; and if the reply is benign , pass on to the next , but before you do , tick the answer in the margin , or if it calls for clarification or action , put a cross in the margin , so that when you have considered every reply , you can go over them all comprehensively , and take whatever action is called for .
3 If " father " today means for many people a non-existent person , a drunkard , someone unkind or hateful , or if it denotes for others an exclusion of women , then it needs to be appropriately translated in different terms .
4 ‘ If I die , or if I disappear for more than three months , ’ the will began , ‘ I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Hyde . ’
5 ( 2 ) If you know who they are , write to the conveyancers for the seller or buyer , as the case may be , confirming that you are acting for your client , and if your client is the buyer asking for the draft contract documentation , or if you act for the seller , either sending or promising to send the draft agreement for sale .
6 If the conveyancer for the lessor refuses to delete it , or if you act for a purchase of an existing lease that includes such a provision , you should always explain to your client the nature of the provision , its unusual nature and its disadvantages ( putting off a subsequent prospective buyer or mortgagee , delay and expense in taking up references and obtaining the licence ) .
7 It often refers to any individual member organization irrespective of its actual name , i.e. whether it is an association or federation or whether it stands for Planned Parenthood , Family Well-being , Responsible Parenthood , Protection of the Family or Family Health , etc .
8 Do n't give this copy away to Oxfam or when they collect for the hospital .
9 This in turn proves to be an attraction to many destitute persons abroad , who feel that if they apply for refugee status in a Western country , they will be taken care of by the social welfare system of that country for a year or two , or even longer , while their claims are being examined . ’
10 Cresswell believed that the ‘ dole business ’ in the south was responsible ; Cooper claimed that on election day ‘ when children went to get free dinners they were told to tell their parents that if Cooper was returned no more free dinners would be given ’ ; Coath said that electors had been told that if they voted for him ‘ they would get no more doles ’ ; and Clare had been accused of voting against the guardians ' grant of coal to the unemployed ( SE 11 November 22 ) .
11 The mundane world view suggests that the tossing of coins or yarrow stalks , or selection of cards from a pack , is random and meaningless — but metaphysics assures us that if we ask for guidance , we will receive it .
12 The curious thing about industry is that if we think for ten minutes and draw a picture of the kind of organization we would least like to work in , and hence the one where we are least likely to be effective , we often look about and see just such an environment around us .
13 Bear in mind however , that if you opt for a natural wood finish your mistakes will all be seen !
14 Note that if you go for the unfiltered system , water changes must be regular .
15 I figured that if I asked for a transfer I 'd either get a rise or would be able to work out a better deal for myself if I went elsewhere .
16 With this , well erm I was er after the first two years when I did n't get a referred lead or recommendation cos I , I had this fear in my mind that if I asked for names , they 'd actually not give them and that they would actually then cancel the policy they 'd taken out with me , I actually thought that
17 Later I tell C that if I worked for the Daily Star , I 'd have my story already .
18 I was told that his legal advisers were concerned that if he applied for a taxation this would amount to an adoption of the bills and prejudice his other objections to the bill .
19 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
20 I know it 's risky — a lot more risky than if I waited for Yukio to finish programming the starpod — but I just need to get away for a while , by myself , and think .
21 The selection provides ample evidence that since she retired for health reasons from her full-time post as curator of the DLI Museum in Durham , Nerys has obviously been enjoying herself enormously .
22 ‘ I learned from him , more vividly than from anyone else , that the study of the New Testament is an exciting adventure , and that while it calls for a rigorous-critical discipline , it is not made less scientific if the student brings to it his own experience of faith . ’
23 And so the A N C has to make sure that while it works for the aspirations of its people it must also protect the country and I 'm afraid in this context it means it has through negotiations and other means also conceded made concessions in order to save the situation and the only organization that is now working for the national interest even losing its own supporters in the country is basically the A N C and it 's quite a remarkable thing to see that leaders are prepared to l lose political support because they have to make sure that the country does n't .
24 My aim was to secure a good head of each species and , in consequence , except when I shot for meat , I shot selectively and seldom .
25 With a registered title , this is normally the only final search you make except when you act for a mortgagee : then a bankruptcy search must be made against the borrower because your title search will not , of course , reveal anything about him or her .
26 I shall say only that when we returned for worship next day the whole building was pristine .
27 Chair , we have through this , what we 've actually s what you 're actually saying there , because I , I happen to be of the view that when you ask for identification of five percent across all the committees and then you start to take that quite happily from the smaller spend committee , then clearly you 're in a position where you have to address the er , question , do we really want to provide this service at all , and that would be tragic in the case of economic development , because it 's so vital to the erm , economic development of the county as a whole , and so , yes , there , I would suggest that there 's clearly the need to be a corporate view , and a corporate er , er , will to actually put up resources at your disposal , er , er , especially since five B was n't actually , although it was it had n't actually been granted , so it was a bit of an unknown quantity when perhaps the first P A G erm , sat and deliberated .
28 On jobs , its almost certain there will be further losses during the next two years , but bear in mind that when I asked for SVS volunteers last September more than 230 people applied .
29 It was a big disappointment to me that when I applied for the news editor 's job , I did n't get it .
30 He claimed that customers were appalled by the players ' language and that when he asked for order they threatened to punch out his lights .
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