Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] a number of " in BNC.

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1 Forget the idea of spreading material over a period of time or developing a number of different characters . ’
2 They may be planned deliberately to give the undergraduate a good general education , for example by sampling or balancing a number of types of knowledge , or they may he planned in terms of an applied , problem focus such as environmental control , or a broad theme such as modern urban society , or in terms of some concept of individual development .
3 Comparing two objects , or sequencing a number of objects is an activity that can help to deepen understanding of change and continuity .
4 This seems a useful technique for any situation where a straight piece of wood ends in a curve , since it maintains the visual integrity of the piece and is considerably easier than laminating a number of separate strips ( which I always find slide out of line while being clamped ) .
5 The process of asking questions about the whole range of EPH activities , although revealing a number of minor problems , was eventually discontinued because of the time involved in trying to cover all aspects of the database .
6 When the trial started on Monday , Mr Goldring said that following a number of mysterious incidents involving youngsters at the hospital , it became clear there was a criminal at large on Ward 4 , the children 's ward .
7 Although missing a number of players , Haslemere fought off a spirited Hale side to secure an important win .
8 In effect the strategy of " privatising from within " was pushed even further , by giving additional powers and freedoms to managers , introducing a quasi-market , and tackling a number of other organisational rigidities .
9 The concluding chapter by Roy Parker takes an overview of child care research , identifying and developing a number of themes which have echoes elsewhere in the book .
10 In learning to write , children are seen as developing and testing a number of progressively useful theories about how spoken language is represented on the page , and what functions the written form can serve ( Bissex 1980 , Ferreiro and Teberosky 1982 ) .
11 As has already been indicated , the modern vogue is for leviathan departments , headed by a Secretary of State and comprising a number of Ministries .
12 Police fired into a crowd of demonstrators , killing and injuring a number of bystanders , after left-wing activists had reportedly set fire to a Royal Nepal Airlines fuel depot and smashed street lamps , telephone exchange equipment and vehicles in both Kathmandu and the nearby town of Patan .
13 He is also accused of damaging two wooden tables at the pub and breaking a number of bottles and glasses .
14 By avoiding her culprit foods , and removing a number of synthetic chemicals ( see p 164 ) from her home , Hazel managed to maintain a reasonable state of health once she left the environmental unit .
15 The cells of eukaryotes have a nucleus , surrounded by a membrane , and containing a number of rod-shaped chromosomes .
16 This depends on squaring the whole or part of the key , and taking a number of digits from the centre of the resulting value .
17 The gathering lasted until the small hours of next morning and Dr Hsieh talked about China in English , answering many questions and telling a number of highly entertaining stories of how modern changes in China were being effected .
18 Speaking at a rally on " Shaka Day " ( celebrating a Zulu hero ) , and brandishing a number of " traditional " weapons , Buthelezi declared that any attempt by the government to disarm Inkatha would be defied and that fencing around migrant worker hostels , largely Inkatha strongholds , would be destroyed .
19 The committee did not engage in a research programme in the manner of the earlier Maud Committee , but contented itself with receiving evidence and visiting a number of local authorities in the early months of 1972 .
20 ‘ The Independent claims it has lost just 2pc , which not only undermines their submission to the OFT , but also indicates we may be expanding the market and attracting a number of lapsed broadsheet readers back to the fold . ’
21 Five stages of market development have been recognised , delineated by gross GNP per capita , but showing a number of other common factors .
22 So he has followed a dual approach , honouring the supply to the supermarkets while continuing to supply and expand the local market ; it is only in this way that the operation has been able to survive and continue to provide a quality product while supporting a number of local employees and their families .
23 This is the simplest component of legal aid , but alterations and adjustments to it make it best to think of it as encompassing a number of different types of help .
24 British-born Rachel , who now lives in LA , has decorated her California home in English country style ( but more cottage than grand manor ) , at the same time as launching a number of furniture stores which reflect her personal taste .
25 Marine Syndicate 317/661 underwritten by Outhwaite underwriting agency experienced problems when writing a number of runoff contracts .
26 Instead he sees them as occupying a number of strata which are in ‘ contradictory class locations ’ .
27 A new Cabinet which was announced on May 22 was described as containing a number of opposition figures ; eight ministers who were members of the ruling Patriotic Salvation Movement ( MPS ) , however , left the Cabinet .
28 In Britain this is reinforced by such practices as attending a number of dinners a term in the Inns of Court while they are students for the Bar ; in both Britain and the United States there is the shared experience of dealing with problems from a legal perspective and extensive contact with other lawyers .
29 We shall examine the different theoretical approaches to leadership and apply these approaches to public sector organisations as well as asking a number of questions .
30 In the last 12 months , as well as losing a number of small commercial businesses the town has lost it 's fish shop which had been run by the Crudgington family for more than a century .
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