Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Wherever we might finally strike the balance , it seems clear that whereas nostalgia for the once-safe streets and the once-quiet youth is phoney , we can be equally sure that those who sensationalised the ‘ pistol gangs ’ sometimes got carried away with themselves .
2 A ‘ self-interest ’ explanation would suggest that whereas solidarity for the strike call to defend jobs and the future of pits would obtain strong support in the peripheral areas with relatively bleak futures , it would be harder to sustain in the central profitable coalfields of Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire .
3 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
4 Orders for the HP 9000 multi-user Unix systems grew more than 40% during 1992 and although revenue for the HP 3000 declined , unit shipments of these systems increased about 20% for the year — striking given the move away from proprietary systems , but then the company is opening up an enormous Open bolt hole for HP 3000 users .
5 It was a large basement , with no street-level exposure , and although sales for the first two days were excitingly high , the next few months were a disaster .
6 And while cambric for the fashioning of chemises was one thing , costly brown satin from China must surely be another ?
7 He also uses mercury in large quantities , and as secretary for the environment , one might have expected him to seek less damaging alternatives .
8 Thus although they can learn colours as signals for food and as markers for the entrance to their hive , they have difficulty with other types of colour learning , such as using colour as a cue to finding their way out of a closed space .
9 ( 5 ) If in any case a Proposing Transferor , after having become bound to transfer any Shares to a Purchaser , shall make default in transferring the Shares , the Directors may receive the purchase money on his behalf and may authorise some person to execute on behalf of and as attorney for the Proposing Transferor any necessary instruments of transfer and the Company shall hold the purchase money in trust for the Proposing Transferor .
10 ( 5 ) If in any case a Proposing Transferor , after having become bound to transfer any Shares to a Purchaser , shall make default in transferring the Shares , the Directors may receive the purchase money on his behalf and may authorise some person to execute on behalf of and as attorney for the Proposing Transferor any necessary instruments of transfer and the Company shall hold the purchase money in trust for the Proposing Transferor .
11 185 Squadron now moved to Takali alongside the newly-arrived unit with its own remaining ten Mark Is and two Mark IIs , leaving Luqa and Hal Far free for the time being for use as staging airfields to Egypt , and as bases for the bombers and reconnaissance aircraft .
12 Client agrees with KPMG ( for itself and on trust and as agent for the others mentioned below ) fully to indemnify and to hold harmless KPMG , its partners , employees , its lawyers , [ Stephenson Harwood ] , any Approved Broker and ( subject to Client 's prior consent to their engagement ) any other advisers , agents and consultants retained by KPMG in connection with the Offer ( any and all of which or whom is referred to as an ‘ Indemnified Person ’ ) from and against any and all losses , claims , costs , damages , actions , proceedings , demands , liabilities and expenses whatsoever , joint or several , ( collectively ‘ claims ’ ) which any such Indemnified Person may suffer or incur and which relate to or arise from , directly or indirectly , KPMG 's engagement hereunder and/or the provision by KPMG of its services in connection with the Offer .
13 Thus the various parts of the superstructure can be seen as instruments of ruling class domination and as mechanisms for the oppression of the subject class .
14 When the site became available , the University took the opportunity to purchase the long lease for development , both as a public amenity and as accommodation for the Departments of Art History and Music .
15 Several studies have reported a positive association with ischaemic heart disease , but after correction for the effect of cholesterol serum triglyceride does not appear to be an independent risk factor ( Hulley et al , 1980 ) .
16 Before redundancy charges , these fell 1.3% , but after adjustment for the disposal of the businesses mentioned above , costs actually increased 0.8% .
17 Informed sources say that Texas Instruments Inc had Sun Microsystems Inc 's SunOS Unix running on the superscalar Viking Sparc a long time ago , but when schedules for the long overdue part began to slip , it clammed up , leaving the grapevine to hum with negative vibes .
18 ( 3 ) Where co-owners of an estate or interest in any land , … not being itself partnership property , are partners as to profits made by the use of that land or estate , and purchase other land or estate out of the profits to be used in like manner , the land or estate so purchased belongs to them , in the absence of an agreement to the contrary , not as partners but as co-owners for the same respective estates and interests as are held by them in the land or estate first mentioned at the date of the purchase .
19 In the court below she had also alleged that her husband was acting not only on his own behalf but as agent for the bank in obtaining her consent , that the bank was negligent and that there had been material misrepresentation , although the latter allegation was not pursued .
20 Magnificent as it is , Somerset House was designed not as an arts centre , of course , but as offices for the civil servants whom Mr Heseltine now proposes to eject .
21 Certainly it was the British who now ruled the land but they ruled it not as owners or conquerors , but as trustees for the League of Nations .
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