Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When sideways movement or typing in a wide document reaches the edge of the window the text scrolls horizontally in steps to reveal parts of the typing line which had been offscreen .
2 I think also that aspersions were cast , as asides , on the true soldierly qualities of Sgt York , and hence on all American soldiers , and a three-way fight broke out among the French-Canadian , American and British , to a background drone of German bombers wending their weary way to or from London , or circling in a desultory fashion prior to dumping their bombs with a dull thud on the surrounding countryside .
3 It will also raise a few problems for sportsmen and sportswomen who are training or competing in a new time zone to which they have not yet adjusted .
4 And the college has a special unit for people who want basic education anyone who is not numerate or wants help with reading or writing in a one-to-one lesson .
5 To praise highly in speech or writing in a formal manner .
6 If Charlie had been a different man , a cultivated man or effeminate or living in a bygone age when tongues were more freely unloosed , he might now have embraced Jack and told him from a full heart how he entered wholly into his joy and would die for his happiness .
7 If we are in a happy partnership , whether married or living in a close relationship with a man or woman , retirement years are a time to look forward to and for doing things together .
8 For all her professed populism , she was seen as remote from ordinary people , hardly ever catching a train , watching a film , or relaxing in a British holiday resort , turning instinctively to privileged private treatment in educating her children or adopting health-care systems for herself .
9 Hyaenas , having spent the day skulking aimlessly in the thickets or strolling in a leisurely way across open ground , now become transformed into determined hunters .
10 For those who know how , doing yoga for half an hour in the morning , or meditating in a darkened room for ten minutes just before giving the speech will assist , or perhaps it will require nothing more than taking a deep breath before you speak .
11 They seem like terribly nice people , concerned with wildlife , erosion , litter and rights of way through potato fields , but a dangler or scrambler caught in a confined space with a tenacious rambler will end up either committing an act of violence or huddling in a foetal position in the corner , dribbling saliva from a defeated face as the rambler concludes his theory about red deer numbers .
12 Handwritten notes may be hard to read when you are flustered , inebriated or reading in a dim light .
13 In any dodgy situation , whether you are walking down a lonely street or standing in a crowded bar where an argument is brewing , make sure that you are aware of possible escape routes .
14 3 If you need to be sitting or standing in a particular way , sort this out .
15 This is the kind of dreamy Hollywood fantasy I like to float in when I 'm lying flat on my back under some dirty platform desperately trying to tack a loose wire or stubborn piece of baize into position — or standing in a wet field trying to work out exactly how the VIPs will swim through the mud from the helicopter to the marquee .
16 This mode replaces frying or roasting in a hot air unit , a tilt pan or a frying pan , and replaces baking in a normal or multi-tiered oven .
17 You will either be lying on a couch or sitting in a comfortable chair with a back high enough to support your head .
18 Francisco Miranda Branco is one of eight people imprisoned for organising or participating in a peaceful procession to Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili , the capital of East Timor .
19 If you are handy with a needle you could sew in another lining or backing in a contrasting or toning fabric to the existing one .
20 The speakers hardly whine and Jim Reid now sings with a US accent , rather than mumbling in a Scots one — it all sounds improbably adult-oriented .
21 The process of vortex stretching , considered in Section 6.6 , will thus be strongly present — although occurring in a random fashion .
22 Later we were joined in an organising committee by a number of other people who , although acting in a personal capacity , had through their paid employment or voluntary work direct experience of the issues which were to form the core of the conference .
23 Valium use , furthermore , focuses on individual malfunctioning : social and economic problems are dealt with in a framework of a medical model of relief of individual distress , alleviating symptoms rather than operating in a social context which may require familial or wider social change .
24 Individuals believe that acting in a certain way will lead to certain outcomes ( the performance — outcome expectancy ) .
25 Hetherington ( 1979 ) found that if marital separation led to a cessation of hostilities and conflict , this seemed somewhat less damaging for children than remaining in a discordant , unhappy , but intact home .
26 Most people readily accept that speaking in a foreign language presents a major differentiation and there are hilarious anecdotes in all multi-national companies to support this view .
27 No wonder she had never got further than teaching in a one-roomed schoolhouse .
28 They like nothing more than wallowing in a cool mud bath in the mornings when the sun is not too high and then resting in the shade of an acacia tree during the scorching heat which follows .
29 For example , it would appear that substituting in a simple formula expressed in words is too difficult for lower attainers , although superficially it seems to require little more than following simple instructions .
30 Internal review will then be just a matter of mechanically scrutinizing numbers on a balance sheet , rather than engaging in a critical dialogue over the educational effectiveness of courses .
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