Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pn reflx] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At Kyalami Ranch , he 'd have a blade of grass in his mouth like a kid on a picnic , he 'd never think of holding court or taking himself so seriously ( as later champions did ) that you wanted to needle him .
2 Then he lay down again carefully , putting his hand and arm on the far side of the body and easing himself down so that he was partly lying on Patrick , his trunk upon his trunk , his legs upon his legs , and , as he supported himself on his arms , his face just above the skeleton face .
3 While I was n't exactly happy about this , it was interesting to see what happened ; the tip of the Plexaurelia branch which had landed in the mushroom polyps developed blister-like clear vesicles , the whole animal kept inflating and deflating itself more frequently than usual , and after about a week collapsed completely .
4 In particular , it appears to be forging links with philosophy , linguistics and psychology in what are increasingly referred to as ‘ cognitive sciences ’ , and establishing itself not simply as a tool but an object of study in its own right .
5 I enjoyed Richard who was a casual , almost brutal lover , his desire rising and spending itself as impatiently as mine , so that I did not have to suffer all that tedious , preliminary business of fondling and stroking , and I enjoyed my baby , which surprised me as I had not expected to .
6 Because they arrive with an expectation of moving on within a few years they refrain — ; if only for reasons of emotional self-defence — from putting down ‘ roots ’ and involving themselves too closely in village affairs .
7 The choice was mine , and knowing myself well enough — I think — there was n't any other way . ’
8 The roofs were most often not their own : long since , the community had drawn in from its perimeter , sharing its water , its food and its warmth , and distancing itself so far as might be from the walls and the thud of the cannon .
9 It was probably whilst flying high over an approaching enemy that one Goblin got a bit carried away , and steering himself as best as he could with his crude wings , crashed right down onto the enemy army .
10 Under Clifford , Palmer bided his time , keeping to himself his misgivings about the governor 's achievements in centralization , and exerting himself openly only to oppose Clifford 's proposal that lawyers should be allowed to plead in the provincial courts , thereby unacceptably diluting what had been under Lugard the Resident 's almost unrestricted jurisdiction over them .
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