Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An information pack is available from the hospice office for any firm interested in entering a team or helping to sponsor the tournament , which hopes to raise more than £7,000 .
2 Those who indulge in the shameful practice of ‘ ambushing ’ , or seeking to frustrate the work of the emergency services , deserve to face severe penalties .
3 An established professor of French Literature might nowadays privately believe as much , but would probably think it unprofessional or damaging to argue the case publicly .
4 Just as a Christian might reject Buddhism without ever studying it or getting to understand the meaning behind the words .
5 The Prince seemed incapable of understanding or wishing to comprehend the turmoil in Diana 's life .
6 It may alternatively take the form of withholding or threatening to withhold the performance of some public duty or the rendering of some public service unless a payment is made which is not lawfully due or is greater than that which is lawfully due , as was the position in the colore officii cases .
7 every citizen in whose presence a breach of the peace is being , or reasonably appears to be about to be , committed has the right to take reasonable steps to make the person who is breaking or threatening to break the peace refrain from doing so …
8 I considered I had had a sheltered upbringing — perhaps ‘ genteel ’ is nearer the mark — but she came from the world of country weekends , day and night nurseries , nannies , and never having to worry about where next week 's housekeeping money was coming from , or having to do the washing up .
9 Firstly , the approach can be used to direct his or her attention to those customers or prospective customers requiring further investigation regarding their ability to pay , and importantly can alert him to the need to alter the terms of trade or pricing to manage the level of risk and set appropriate credit limits .
10 Or trying to save the soul of some evil little sod who would slit your throat as quickly as look at you ! ’
11 There was a lot of enjoyment to be had , but this was tempered by the anxieties and fears that many had felt during earlier stages , when girls were worrying about parents ' reactions , or trying to conceal the pregnancy .
12 The easiest uses to come to grips with are exclamations such as ( 1 ) above , because they give a very clear impression of somehow looking at the infinitive event from a position before : they express a desire or longing to realize the infinitive event , so that ( 1 ) might be paraphrased " I would love to be in England …
13 Although vowing to pursue the presidency in the future , the Rev. Jesse Jackson announced on Nov. 2 that he would not run in 1992 .
14 The threat of greater competition brought about by the trend towards government curtailment of professional monopolies and relaxation of advertising rules means that refusing to contemplate the idea of incorporation could entail a heavy loss of business .
15 Together with the prosperous shopkeepers and merchants , rather than seeking to challenge the aristocracy , they found opportunities for investment and perhaps superior status in the farming of feudal dues .
16 Such theories lead logically to leaving older people alone rather than attempting to improve the quality of their lives through continued social engagement .
17 And this means that rather than attempting to answer the question " What are experiences ? " , in the manner of the conventional " philosophy of mind " , we ought to concentrate our attention on the question " How do experiences occur ? " , and analyse them qua types of evidential events .
18 Rather than attempting to define the nature of the " humane education " thus envisaged , Leavis merely asserts that " It seems better simply to point to English literature , which is unquestionably and producibly " there " , and to suggest that the " literary tradition " that this unquestionable existence justifies us in speaking of might … be called a vague concept . "
19 From 1988 , candidates will be able to take CGLI examinations on a modular basis , building up credits rather than having to sit the examination for the full certificate at one time .
20 This is possibly more effective than having to reposition the dog repeatedly in the ‘ down ’ position .
21 However , it is not unreasonable to argue that trying to meet the measurement standards of natural science is to inflict a crippling over-ambition on social research .
22 It was close enough , and simpler than trying to explain the truth
23 I think the best conclusion would have happened if they 'd just let it happen , rather than trying to force the issue on April the nineteenth .
24 Rather than trying to tackle the gybe as a whole , break it down into smaller component parts and try to make each part smooth .
25 When Lamb played five balls of an over defensively and then ran two off the last , it was clear that he was just settling for his hundred , and since Terry immediately succumbed Lamb was criticized for exposing him , rather than trying to keep the strike .
26 ‘ The whole nature of that part of the market is that as soon as the insurers found they had claims , they stopped the product rather than trying to build the book sensibly , ’ says Caroline Blackman .
27 Throughout Man 's long association with the Horse , the most successful horsemen have been those who have used some degree of knowledge of psychology or understanding of the horse , rather than trying to dominate the horse with force .
28 It is certainly a better way of choosing food than trying to read the menu .
29 It is no accident that Londoners were to be found financing enterprises in the shires — Henry Fyner , a goldsmith , had built the first English blast furnace at Hartfield , Sussex — and helping to create the country 's stock of ‘ social overhead capital ’ — roads and bridges , schools and colleges .
30 The satisfaction of belonging to a worthwhile organisation and helping to promote the development of Medau work
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