Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [to-vb] in the " in BNC.

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1 It means helping counsellees to make connections between what has occurred in the past , and how this affects what they are achieving or failing to achieve in the present .
2 It is a common finding when we are jet-lagged or trying to sleep in the day after night-work .
3 The reason why people sometimes think they ca n't shed weight on a strict calorie ration of 1,000 daily is that they are guessing at the weight — and thus the calorie content — of their portions of food , or forgetting to add in the calories provided by little items like the butter spread on that bread , or the milk in all those cups of tea ; or they fail to realize that innocent-looking things like that canned soft drink or glass of orange juice , or the mayonnaise coleslaw served in the office canteen ( 'Ca n't contain many calories — it 's salad , is n't it ! ' ) can add a sizeable number of calories to the daily total .
4 Rather than having to type in the name of a program or press certain letters or numbers to select a function the user simply ‘ points ’ to what is required and presses a button .
5 Rather than trying to start in the depths of prehistory , when local material may be scarce , or difficult to interpret , a better approach may well be to begin in the present and work backwards .
6 Next on the curriculum come talking , acting , building , blowing party squeakers and pretending to choke in the back of the car .
7 Divergers were the opposite : liberal , imaginative , slightly rebellious , with low IQ scores , good on open-ended questions and inclining to specialize in the arts .
8 Nevertheless , older industrial property could be useful for new companies wanting cheap premises and wishing to locate in the cities .
9 In an official statement put out yesterday , Sangster said cryptically : ‘ It is a sad decision , but it no longer makes any sense keeping the place and having to stay in the local pub when we visit . ’
10 And all the time , like pipes dripping , weakening and preparing to burst in the attic , around the house hearts were slowly breaking while nothing was being said .
11 Specifically in Highways and Planning , if you look at the previous report , the enclos following profile one , you will see that in the Highways Planning Department excepting the offices , it is almost entirely male , and I think this is , it 's for the Director of Highways and Planning to say in the end , I think this is an acknowledgement by him that in the way that you mentioned nevertheless it seems to be apparent in some way , shape or form , women are not getting equal opportunity in that department .
12 They are , in brief , hard-working and somewhat stressed ; feel dissatisfied with the job they are doing ( or at least bits of it ) ; confused about what they should be doing but wanting to change in the direction of greater impact and relevance of what they do ; have no clear idea how to go about it ; do not feel optimistic about things getting better ; are worried about the amount of emotional energy the job takes up ; and mostly do the best they can , try not to think about it all too much , and hang on till the holidays .
13 ‘ The winged lion of Venice , ’ she said , nodding , trying to keep calm , but longing to skip in the air .
14 In view of that , we can recognize the possibility that as rational beings we fall under a system of law which we have somehow ourselves brought into being , and that it is our task while appearing to exist in the sensory world to live according to that law , in spite of the fact that what we appear to be is simply animals driven by sensory desire .
15 We are particularly concerned to identify whose who have lapsed while continuing to live in the locality .
16 While continuing to believe in the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine at communion , Luther rejected transubstantiation for a position which has been labelled consubstantiation .
17 Merton 's early Edinburgh appearances read as a catalogue of disasters : one year he was set upon by a gang of burly Scottish lads when seeking to compete in the poster wars engulfing the festival , and another year he was rushed to hospital after only one show , having broken a leg in an intercomedian football friendly .
18 When attempting to communicate in the absence of adequate structure , care should be taken to learn enough about any differentiation to be able to predict the effect it will have and make allowance for it .
19 It would be a matter of negotiation as to whether the employee consented to the resulting change in employment benefits at the same time as agreeing to participate in the purchaser 's scheme .
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