Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 This will occur if the viscosity of the magma is low enough for crystals to escape from the boundary layer on the convective timescale rather than remaining to contribute to the density evolution of the boundary layer .
2 Thus from the point of view of journeymen compositors in London and Edinburgh alike , there was an immediate sense in which the whole venture must have appeared socially alien launched in an atmosphere of middle-class philanthropy , pursued by young and perhaps slightly naive women of that class , and seeking to introduce to the trade young girls of perhaps middle-class , perhaps marginal , but not necessarily working-class origin .
3 However , the bargain must be made well in advance ; it will only undermine your disciplinary strategy if you wait until he is lying on the floor , kicking and screaming and refusing to go to the shops , and then begin promising ice-cream .
4 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
5 And I think what we 're doing here , is is getting ahead of that , and trying to look to the future of the consortium .
6 toilet training and , well not toilet training but reminding to go to the toilet , look at his hat did you read in the paper that George Best has had to spend half of his testimonial money on debts
7 For instance , young people on the streets but seeking to take to the road might need help to acquire a serviceable living vehicle .
8 Liz came back accompanied by her parents , but wanting to speak to the therapist on her own first .
9 The aircraft was seen by several witnesses quite high but starting to circle to the left and commence a gentle descent .
10 While attempting to respond to the civil rights movement and to the pressure from the Wilson government in London , O'Neill was being threatened from within the Unionist camp .
11 On Jan. 30 , the US authorities revealed that two members of a Cuban family were wounded by Cuban security forces while attempting to flee to the US naval base at Guantánamo Bay .
12 Both the Indonesian and Malaysian governments have criticized Western countries for failing to provide assistance to tackle the fires , and have accused the West of demonstrating hypocrisy in attacking forestry policy in the region while failing to respond to the crisis .
13 However , if a severe error occurs while trying to write to the log file , the calling program is terminated with an appropriate error message ( see Section 23 ) .
14 It is a very useful behaviour when trying to get to the bottom of things and when you need to tease information out of the other person .
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