Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This could take the form of compensating the victim of the offence or doing something else to assist the victim .
2 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
3 I think from what I 've heard , every shift had its own little methods of trying to turn people away or advising them not to come in .
4 Because of the disruptive influence of Self 1 on our performance , Gallwey , rather than teaching us how to perform a skill , concentrates on ways of distracting Self 1 thereby letting the body perform in its own intuitive way .
5 Then all at once he was taking her hand and drawing her up to stand before him .
6 As we shall see later in the chapter , however , there is a potential conflict between using interest rates to control the demand for money and using them also to control the exchange rate .
7 ‘ Lady Danby , ’ she said , reaching for Theda 's arm and bringing her forward to face the battleaxe , ‘ you will allow me to present Miss Kyte , and she will , I am sure , be delighted to accept your invitation . ’
8 The atmosphere was one of people enjoying themselves in their own way and allowing everyone else to do so too .
9 What 's the point of returning to work and allowing someone else to bring up the child ?
10 In 1835 de Tocqueville admired ‘ the extreme skill with which the inhabitants of the United States succeed in proposing a common object for the exertions of a great many men and inducing them voluntarily to pursue it . ’
11 Roman laughed suddenly , catching her by the shoulders and twisting her round to face him .
12 ‘ And before I go tomorrow we 'll compose a joint letter to the two of them , pointing out how well we get on without them and urging them not to hurry back .
13 Back in Oxford I fax John a note telling him how much I have enjoyed working with him , and urging him not to get too red .
14 The treatment concentrated on reducing Esther 's spasticity in her left side , and training her not to over-use her right side .
15 In November 1988 Nelson was charged with threatening to kill a man from Sandy Row and warning him not to attend court as a witness in an assault case .
16 Along with four other intellectuals , including Regis Debray , feminist writer Elisabeth Badinter signed an open letter to Mr Jospin , saying that the scarf is a symbol of Muslim women 's oppression and warning him not to capitulate .
17 On the parents ' separation the mother initially left the four children of the marriage with the father in the former matrimonial home but on her subsequently removing one of the children the father applied ex parte for orders , including a residence order , a prohibited steps order and a specific issue order pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 requiring her to return the child and directing her not to remove any of the children from the father 's care and control .
18 By an application dated 17 March 1992 the father applied ex parte for an injunction requiring the mother , inter alia , to return the child , A. , to his care and directing her not to remove or attempt to remove the other children , G. , R. and M. from his care without consent .
19 She even started making other arrangements so she would n't just end up sitting at home staring at the phone and forcing herself not to ring him and say her plans had changed and she was free after all .
20 and holding it out to light your way you leave
21 If requiring you not to put words into my mouth is defence — ’
22 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
23 The goals of its ambulatory care initiative were to improve access — for example , by maximising the hours when clinics were open and linking them closely to back up services in the hospitals , increasing the comprehensiveness of care on offer , improving continuity ( by linking regular attenders to an identified primary care team ) , and making the management of the clinics more autonomous and more accountable .
24 If he is to continue , he should now be taking different movements and linking them together to form his fighting style — a format of defence and attack that becomes second nature to him .
25 ABOVE The method of dating using tree-rings ( dendrochronology ) involves taking samples from timbers of different ages , and linking them together to provide an overall dating sequence .
26 Afterwards viewers sent a deluge of complaints about how boring the show was and asking them never to return to the Hacienda .
27 It was early still , but , while she had quite enjoyed his company and having someone else to converse with in her own language , an early night seemed quite a good idea .
28 ‘ People barely had enough food to live on , but thought nothing of bringing him into their homes and feeding him and giving him somewhere to sleep .
29 Listening to Iago is a double process of decoding : deciphering his utterance in the way that his dupes understand it , and decoding it again to understand how he meant it .
30 The drafter may be tempted to adopt a 'scissors and paste " approach , drawing individual clauses from a number of precedents and putting them together to form a finished product .
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