Example sentences of "[conj] [num] [vb base] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Men of 45 or 50 have the opportunity of a second summer , having children by a second partner ; women of the same age do n't have that .
2 In regard to the first , for example — that kasabat kadis did not normally enter or re-enter the medrese stream-two caveats must be entered , the first of which is that one must explicitly exclude two areas in which movement between kadiliks and medreses was not uncommon : first , the kadiliks and medreses below the level at which the hierarchy began to operate , whose holders received perhaps five , ten or fifteen akce a day ; and second , those at the top of the hierarchy , since it was not uncommon for holders of mevleviyet kadiliks to go back to medrese teaching as a form of either temporary or permanent retirement from service as a kadi or a kazasker .
3 PAGES 12 & 13 Take a load off your mind
4 A thousand or more children are being abused or neglected every week — and three or four die every week .
5 One or two stretch the notion of individual guilt so far that they embark on self-mutilation .
6 I think one or two have a shock coming .
7 Ali Cemali , who had in the years between 888 and 891 moved on to other posts , was the first appointee to the new medrese and , though his salary is not specified , the course of his career to this point suggests that it can not have been less than 50 akce a day .
8 The distance learning materials do not always reach the students when needed , and a survey indicated that they rarely received more than one visit a year from their supervisor because of the shortage of transport .
9 While most residents were in fairly frequent contact with relatives and friends from outside the home , one in five of those who spent all the last twelve months of their lives in a home had either no visitors at all or less than one visit a month .
10 In an office , 5 people earn a wage of £36 each , 3 earn a wage of £40 each and 2 earn a wage of £42 each .
11 Those elderly from social classes 1 and 2 illustrate a prevalence of long standing limiting illness which is 20 per cent lower than that recorded by their counterparts from classes 4 and 5 .
12 Charts 1 and 2 illustrate the effect the campaign had on customer and non-customer perceptions of the Bank in the two key areas of mortgages and savings .
13 Figs 1 and 2 illustrate the effect of supplemental IPV and OPV on the immune state of the whole study population , pre and post vaccination seroprevalences , and GMTs for all 714 children .
14 Years I and III incorporate a microcomputer workshop .
15 West Midlands bus nos. 17 and 21 connect the station to the city centre .
16 Tables 30 and 31 summarise the reduction targets .
17 Sections and address the handling of ambiguity .
18 Tables III and IV show the distribution of staining with anti-ABH and Lewis antibodies in biliary epithelia and hepatocytes in 38 liver biopsy specimens .
19 Figure 3 and 4 show the pressure profiles of the anal sphincter before and after operation in the two groups of patients .
20 The bridge pickup is positively vicious , but if it all gets a bit too much then switch positions 2 and 4 transform the sound into something sweet enough to rot your teeth .
21 Figs 3 and 4 illustrate a couple of ideas .
22 As may be seen from Fig. 3.16(b) the forces on sides 1 and 3 balance each other , whereas those acting upon sides 2 and 4 produce a torque .
23 Tables I and II give the age sex specific incidences and female to male risk ratios for probable and broad Alzheimer 's disease .
24 Articles 53 and 64 recognise the community interest in the conclusion and operation of treaties .
25 In 1980 one in eight of all adult women provided regular help for another dependent adult , and now one in four women aged between 45 and 64 have a commitment to provide such care without financial reward .
26 Chapters 2 and 3 take a look at some of the literature available on gender and education , gender and science , and the different cultures of ‘ science ’ and ‘ humanities ’ .
27 Figures 2 and 3 show the percentage changes in bone mineral density .
28 Figures 2 and 3 show the time course of Ac-ASA uptake over two hours for both concentrations of drug ( 0.1 mM and 1.0 mM ) in two single experiments .
29 Second , the patterns shown in Figs 1 and 3 have a combination of complexity and underlying regularity ( exemplified by the asymptotic f C =0.318 ) unlike any cellular automata with which we are familiar .
30 The descriptions of children 's language in Chapters 1 , 2 and 3 provide the basis for an evaluation of the construct validity of any language test .
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