Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] their [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 A NEW directory of scientific research projects at Oxford University is available free for companies looking for opportunities to collaborate with academics or transfer their technology to the marketplace .
2 There are mothers and daughters who can talk freely about sex , and mothers who send or accompany their daughter to the doctor to get the Pill , as Tracy 's mother had , but they tend to be the exception .
3 Not everyone can knock a wall out or turn their hand to it
4 The other causes lie in the readers alone : the habits of thought and feeling that they bring with them to the text , which distort or block their response to it .
5 I have often played host to married friends who bemoan their lack of privacy , or express their desire to be able to put themselves first , once in a while , instead of their partner , parent(s) , children or grandchildren .
6 Lakes that owe their volume to a balance between inflowing and outflowing water may change radically between seasons , almost draining in winter when the inflow slows down , and overflowing when summer melt brings in water that can not escape through still-frozen outlets .
7 Despite the initial shock of being confronted with a typical Elizabethan letter or manuscript , the collector may be assured that , once he has troubled to master the unfamiliar forms of a number of the letters , their consistency will ensure that he will have no more — and sometimes less — trouble than he has with some of the missives that find their way to his desk or doormat today .
8 She then saw the men turn and make their way to where she stood on the veranda , and she knew that Silas had sent them to sign the register .
9 Coaches should plan to arrive at junction 21 of the M1 at 1pm to 1.30 and make their way to the rendezvous point .
10 And so they come back to the land of Moab and make their way to Bethlehem .
11 Thus most Ulster Catholics want Ulster to be merged with Eire in a united Ireland ; Ulster Protestants vigorously oppose such a policy and stress their loyalty to the British Crown .
12 Officers who are unfortunately set alight by petrol bombs should not run down the road screaming , but should lay down with dignity and await their turn to be put out .
13 The impersonality of this discourse of power is here used to signify an unfeeling bureaucracy out of touch with the realities of policing a riot — ‘ Officers who are unfortunately set alight should lie down patiently and wait their turn to be put out . ’
14 Everywhere else , however , the late 1950s saw filmmakers of every hue turning to comedy as they struggled t to audiences and prevent their defection to television .
15 It has for some time been considered a most urgent need to extricate mentally handicapped children from long-stay hospitals and stop their admission to them , and there has , as a result , been a sharp fall in the numbers of mentally handicapped children in hospitals .
16 The natives are amenable for all their savage state , and impart their wisdom to us in exchange for fribbling items : a mere hairpin will set them to an ecstasy of delight , for they are like to children and have no metals .
17 We must sort out these ingredients and consider their relevance to the final dish . ’
18 The project will compare the political responses of national peasant movements to Mexico 's agricultural crisis and assess their contribution to achieving political change in rural Mexico .
19 In so doing , we will look at two approaches to decision making — the rational and the incremental models — and assess their suitability to modern public sector organisations .
20 They are larger and more diffuse than subgovernments and owe their development to a variety of factors : the rapid growth of federal spending , the growth in private and semi-private organizations which are used to administer many federally funded policies , the growth in ‘ public interest ’ organizations and the great increase in the ranks of professional administrators in all fields , for example planning , health , welfare , education and housing .
21 Middlesbrough will fly to London this afternoon and complete their journey to the South coast by coach .
22 Thus the law insists that a director who wishes to enter into a transaction where there is any possibility of a conflict between his own interest and his duty to act in the best interests of the company must disclose the transaction to the shareholders in general meeting and obtain their consent to it .
23 Over one point two million houses bought by Council tenants of their own free will , so much so , my Lord Mayor , that some Labour politicians have had no choice but to do a U turn and give their support to the Right to Buy .
24 Education is important in enabling rural people to organise and plan , as much as it is in ensuring that the urban majority understand the nature of rural problems and lend their support to solving them .
25 Ancient worthies and the great and good tend to vote for what they know ( often very little ) , and lend their weight to the familiar .
26 But the popular health system has provided a framework for addressing people 's health needs and finding solutions that validate and reaffirm their contribution to the health process .
27 In many instances it is likely that these lowered rates of employment are the direct result of providing care , although in some cases it is possible that a temporary withdrawal from the labour market ( for example , because of redundancy or child-bearing ) may enable some women to take on informal caring responsibilities and delay their return to paid employment .
28 This project , undertaken by the Library , aims to develop the information seeking skills of students and monitor their transference to the workplace .
29 So , what I would suggest is that you certainly have a word with the police and draw their attention to it and if anybody listening has parked their car there , do please consider just how safe it is where you 're parking and think of other people .
30 There is implied permission for a person to enter premises and state their business to the occupier .
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