Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] you the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The result is a database on which you can search for a favourite author or publisher , or search for packages that give you the required level of coverage of particular elements ( or units ) of competence .
2 Jacob can go with you , and show you the old coach road that leads to the signpost .
3 Your solicitor is the independent professional who will put your interests first and give you the right advice .
4 After all , good results will qualify you for a better job , and give you the added satisfaction of proving to your boss that you are good at what you do .
5 Properly installed — and full instructions accompany the Sleep-safe Smoke Alarm — a smoke detector will warn you of smouldering in the earliest stages of a fire and give you the vital few minutes that really could make the difference between death and survival .
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