Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Have the fruit or yogurt for dessert on a second day each week .
2 The company claims to have reached an agreement in principle either to lengthen the terms of its loans , or swap for debt for equity , and until detailed plans are presented on April 6 , the firm announced that it will suspend capital repayments on its loans .
3 The significance of Rookes v. Barnard was that it made it clear that a threat of a breach of contract was unlawful for this purpose but the criticism has been made ( and this indeed was the opinion of the Court of Appeal ) that if intimidation is extended to threats to break contracts ‘ it would overturn or outflank some elementary principles of contract law , ’ notably the doctrine of privity of contract , which holds that one who is not a party to a contract can not found a claim upon it or sue for breach of it .
4 In order to get full compensation the buyer will have to look to tort , as in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation , or sue for breach of contract .
5 If the Branch is in doubt about a particular case please refer to a local Marine Surveyor or H O Accident ( Personal ) Claims & Support for guidance on whether the area involved should be deemed to be ‘ an exposed beach or shore ’ .
6 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
7 Occasionally the initiative comes from local sources , an enquiry or request for information about WEA provision and sometimes a keen local person will take upon himself the responsibility of calling a meeting .
8 Genetic monitoring regularly assesses workers for cytogenetic damage — major changes to chromosomes — or may apply other , less perfected , tests that locate mutagens in body fluids or look for damage to individual genes .
9 Ask an insurance broker for details , or look for advertisements in the canine press .
10 Service of a notice under s 146(1) for breach of covenant other than for non-payment of rent is essential if a right of re-entry or forfeiture for breach of such covenant is sought to be enforced .
11 In an action for recovery of land , the particulars must give : ( 1 ) a full description of the land ; ( 2 ) the net annual value for rating , or , if the land does not consist of one or more hereditaments having a separate net annual value for rating : ( a ) where the land forms part of a hereditament having a net annual value not exceeding the county court limit ( see under " Limits of County Court Jurisdiction " ) , the net annual value of that hereditament , or ( b ) in any other case , the value of the land by the year ; ( See as to NAV — Chapter 29 ) ( 3 ) the rent , if any , of the land ; ( 4 ) the grounds on which possession is claimed ; ( 5 ) in a case under s 138 of the 1984 Act ( proceedings to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture for non-payment of rent ) , the daily rate at which the rent in arrear or mesne profits are to be calculated ; ( 6 ) in proceedings for forfeiture the name and address of any underlessee or mortgagee entitled to claim relief against forfeiture and a copy of the particulars of claim for that person ( Ord 6 , r 3(2) ) ; ( 7 ) a claim for arrears of rent and mesne profits should be included if applicable ( see Chapter 16 ) .
12 Section 138(1) — ( 10 ) of the 1984 Act is applicable whensoever a lessor is proceeding by action to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture for non-payment of rent in the County Court .
13 Provided that the action does not cease under sub s ( 2 ) of s 138 ( that is , the lessee has not paid into court ( sic ) not less than five clear days before the return day all the rent in arrear and the costs of the action ) then , if the court is satisfied that the lessor is entitled to enforce the right of re-entry or forfeiture for non-payment of rent , it shall order possession to be given not less than four weeks from the date of the order unless within that period the lessee pays into court ( sic ) all arrears and costs ( s 138(3) ) .
14 Also he s been involved in the England set up to some degree for a number of years , and was an official ‘ spy ’ or scout for England during the last 2 world cups ( time on his hands this time around ! ) .
15 Experts are divided over whether the commission will urge specific new legislation making hacking a crime , or opt for changes in existing laws to cope with certain types of computer crime .
16 Prior to this service , pump manufacturers would only provide a test pump for a well if the customer agreed to purchase the unit or pay for repairs at the end of the test period .
17 Or go for lowlights in a rich autumn glow .
18 It is also possible to appeal against an interim order under s94(1) ( see Chapter 7 ) or apply for discharge under s39 as discussed at 8 below .
19 They had n't they had no er inherent right to make resolutions or ask for increase in wages that was all done at conference by their their representatives .
20 Those who like Jenny in our case-study find themselves avoiding conflict at all costs , never facing up to issues , never expressing hurt or anger for fear of what it might release in others , need to do some work on this point .
21 If you wish you can ‘ phone or write for details of NHS or free-paying clinics to the A final word The information provided in this leaflet is not intended to be exhaustive , but tells you the basic facts about male and female sterilisation on the basis of evidence available at the time of publication .
22 In insisting on these limits , we are not concerned with the philosophical problem of whether there is free will at all , but with the evidence of common experience that although you can choose to think about a problem , be considerate to your wife , distribute pamphlets for a cause or pray for forgiveness for a crime , you can not by mere exertion of will hit on a new thought , love your wife , have faith in the cause , or repent the crime .
23 What it has not been able to do is provide a coherent explanation of the variations it often describes , nor account for changes in mores and consciousness .
24 Then your detective should have much more of the qualities that make for success in a real police officer , and much less vulnerability to comic events .
25 Wholesale prices ( ie , before anomalies in tax or retail systems ) are a good deal lower in America for the ‘ full line ’ and ‘ superstar ’ CDs that account for 70% of sales .
26 Sell the 5,000 units to Noxid and reduce their other sales of units that sell for £22 by 556 units ; this would result in a total contribution of or :
27 Subsequent studies ( e.g. Kleinsmith & Kaplan , 1963 , 1964 ; Parkin , Lewinsohn & Folkard , 1982 ) have found that recall for associates to emotional words , or even nonsense syllables evoking high GSRs , is worse after short retention intervals ( e.g. 2 minutes ) but better after longer intervals ( e.g. 7 days ) .
28 Frail souls and stronger can be dashed to the ground by gale force winds that blow for days on end .
29 Instead , their main , if not their only , function is to serve as ‘ relays ’ — human boosters for the faint , unfocused signals that pass for communication in the traditional pre-information organization .
30 The suspension was typically soggy yet still failed to cope with the craters that pass for potholes in New York City .
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