Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] it [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 And they 'll read it from that point of view , and they 'll accept it or reject it on that basis .
2 that put it underneath that 's all I 'm gon na do is , do I I 'll measure the framework
3 She 's your daughter She said there 's no need to up and say it like that .
4 and swap it for that ?
5 Now , it 's going to be a bit scruffy this , and you just try and transcribe it onto that piece of paper so you 're going away with some idea .
6 And you did that with them and then laid it down , you see , and then you gathered your sheaf and put it on that and turned it round and gave it a twist like that and then And that was how it was done .
7 Catch weights , so do n't matters what it was but that man who was weighing them he got no brains , if one was overweight and go down , the next one got ta be underweight and he 'd take that off that and put it on that , he was so quick , wh that 's what he , he was a good checker , they were good men then
8 Could you open my greenhouse and put it on that
9 Well can you empty one of those and put it and put it in that bucket .
10 Bet if I took his jacket off and put it in that washer it 'd of fallen to bits cos it was that mucky .
11 They mix it up and put it in that !
12 I do n't mean , I mean why have you taken up the other , the plastic bag and put it in that ?
13 Oh you 'll dro If you write to i If you write to them and drop it in that 's fine then .
14 ‘ No , absolutely not , though people can take information from it and use it for that purpose if they 're so minded .
15 In other words , it would be good to review the forgiveness chapter and apply it towards that person who created the original problem .
16 Se the room thermostat at a temperature which you find comfortable and leave it on that setting , allowing the thermostat to control the temperature of the room .
17 But one can not just say that the tau neutrino is heavy and leave it at that .
18 ‘ Is n't it enough to look at the work I 've produced and leave it at that ? ’
19 Some guy might walk past and say , ‘ Hey , you look nice today ’ , and leave it at that .
20 If you are not sure of the answers , say so , and leave it at that .
21 Some find it simpler to say that Jesus was human and leave it at that .
22 Unlike Sam , or even me for that matter , he could admire a girl from afar , and leave it at that .
23 You could take their word for it and leave it at that .
24 Do n't just look at it and think to yourself ‘ That 's a jug ’ and leave it at that .
25 I 'd rather not talk to the guests much beforehand simply because I find it works better just to say hello , and thanks for coming , and leave it at that .
26 Anyway , Michael said that if he had one he 'd settle for peeling off the Carlsson stickers and the other red flashes down the sides and leave it at that .
27 and leave it at that .
28 When you 're a child they say , ‘ You know you should n't do that ’ , and they give you a bloody good rollicking and leave it at that — they try to terrify you .
29 Let's just say it seems a bit questionable and leave it at that . ’
30 Call me old-fashioned , but I think a lot of American actors just do a sort of swagger and leave it at that .
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