Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was either that or dump herself on to the perch in a heap , having given up the struggle , and she was much too graceful and proud to let something as undignified as that happen .
2 Until the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 , only a registered patent agent or a solicitor could act for gain as agents for persons seeking patents , but now anyone can do this as long as he does not describe himself as , or hold himself out to be , a " patent agent " or " patent attorney " .
3 Only the National Assembly has the power to amend the constitution or vote itself out of office — an unlikely prospect given that only 50 or so assemblymen have accepted the government 's offer of a $175,000 tax-free retirement pension .
4 I mean by this it was not the sort of preparation which on the one hand Elizabethan erm critics and writers of rhetoric books , or on the other hand Ezra Pound in the twentieth century would advise to the poet that he must learn to turn a good sonnet or write in all the metrical forms , or accomplish himself deftly in the technical devices .
5 All that was generally required of Gabriel was to point a finger , or spread his arms ; to stand up majestically , or fling himself forward into a flying harness high above the stage .
6 Lesley wants sexual equality , but does n't believe attitudes have yet changed enough : ‘ We do n't yet have true equality ; until we do , women will have to overstress themselves and overprove themselves just to be given the same level of respect as their male peers .
7 In anglerfish ( above left ) the problem is solved because the males are parasitic and attach themselves permanently to females .
8 It might also be true that an arrangement in which supplementary grants were made in the light of positive evaluation would be an effective incentive for schools to maintain momentum and involve themselves fully in inservice activities .
9 The men are trying to catch mine and hook themselves on to me as ‘ guides ’ .
10 I slid Lewis 's helmet on and cut myself off from the world .
11 Get a a small piece , you could buy a I think it was called a side of leather or a whole piece of leather and cut yourselves out of it.And erm leather was n't cheap even in those days , it varied in thickness .
12 If we Christians set our own judgement or our inherited traditions above the Old and New Testament scriptures we part company with the Lord and the apostles , and cut ourselves off from our one source of knowledge of God .
13 Their captain ( for so I must term him — though their forces understand no battle order and hurl themselves pell-mell on us like mere animals who must quench their parched throats with blood ) , a certain youth who is called Dulay to his people , with a trick of the eye that makes him seem to look at you and yet not see you ( and other tricks beside — I have seen this same swart creature climb a ladder into the air as if it were a tree planted there foursquare ) , we apprehended as he fled from our justice .
14 The mountain shook for several long seconds , after which time they were delighted to see the Doctor hurtle out of the cave mouth and hurl himself down towards them .
15 We race across Lliwedd on frost rimed ledges and hurl ourselves down towards Llydaw 's outlet , slipping on frozen streamlets , crashing down scree , pausing to drink the silence .
16 He only came to the Sahara to get a sun-tan and lose weight , so that he can put on his dark glasses and show himself off in the bars back home . ’
17 Hardly was he around the corner than the man in the parked car climbed out , crossed the road and let himself in to the apartment-block .
18 He smelled frying bacon and heard the chatter of women as he walked across the tiled hall and let himself out through a side door .
19 He walked back the way he had come and let himself out by a gate in the railing where a metal notice planted in the earth read : Department of the Environment .
20 I was going to tell her I had taken her keys and let myself back into the house , " he added , " but I arrived too late .
21 I took a shorter way than Sapt and when I reached the moat , I hid my horse in the trees , tied my rope round a strong tree and let myself down into the water .
22 ‘ Well , I shut the door , crossed the yard , and let myself in through the kitchen .
23 She was glad she had the stone , when he came into the byre ; she was waiting for him as he had asked her to , she had made her way across the orchard in the fresh blue morning and let herself in through the wooden door by lifting it off its hinges , since the bolt had rusted fast long ago , and she had looked up at the full moon of the sky in the chimney hole at the centre of the round shelter 's roof , and with her stone which was sharp as a shearing knife with a bright , honed blade the marks of the whetstone were still visible in pale striations like scouring tracks — she scraped her name into one of the stones on the interior , as many others had done before her , in tall shapely capitals , the only letters she knew .
24 Going into the hall , she flung on a coat , pocketed the keys lying on the silver salver , and let herself out into the night .
25 She 'd make for the kitchen , she thought , and let herself out through the back door .
26 Close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere in five years ' time .
27 Erm but anyway you s you started off with er with some greeting and er and er appropriate sociability erm one thing I noticed that Martin seemed to take control of the handshake and that 's something that was pointed out this morning and , and looked at and from where I was it looked as though he was keeping hold of your hand some time , you had your buyer 's guide and whatever in your other hand and you could n't , you know , bring it over and , and put yourself back into control erm and an interesting one and a , an e an example to all of us I think .
28 While America goes crazy over its new President elect , CARTER USM are busy making themselves the next most popular thing with the inhabitants of that wacky continent and really should have done the decent thing and put themselves up for election .
29 Shiona felt her heart perform a triple somersault and lodge itself somewhere in the region of her throat .
30 Caterpillars of geometrid moths not only resemble twigs in the colour and texture of their skin , but they grasp a thin branch with their hind claspers and hold themselves up at an angle so that they look like twigs .
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