Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [been] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm certainly there are other er comments and statements that have been through the year which er should and has caused us to look at our procedures and to erm make changes where that is appropriate and I would hope that er we would continue to do so .
2 Probably the only way to try and prevent it is to go into the schools and get people that have been through the proble , the problem theirselves to go into the schools and try and educate the kids to stay off drugs .
3 Alexander was convinced that every experience is transmitted into muscular tension ; as you release the tension you may uncover psychological tensions that have been at the bottom of some physical illnesses .
4 This balance is particularly important for several of the industries that have been at the heart of the Japanese economic miracle like motor vehicles , electrical consumer goods , watches or cameras .
5 I agree with the Secretary of State that the matters involved are highly technical and that the Hydrotechnica report deals with matters that have been at the heart of the controversy .
6 For it was the procedures and practices that have been at the very core of racing tradition for generations that were on trial here , and there was little realistic chance that they should have been found wanting .
7 Instead the book details the major green issues that have been in the headlines , such as the greenhouse effect , acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer , offering a history of each and listing the consequences and possible remedies .
8 Most of the horses I have bought in the past have been five or six years old , and have been at the stage of jumping around Discovery and Newcomer classes .
9 Most leading merchant banks have established their own property investment departments and have been at the forefront of developing innovative methods of financing projects through equity and long-term debt .
10 Spectators are there in thousands and have been since the previous day , before the roads were closed for the Tour 's progress .
11 Does he not realize that the people of Ulster are quite passively tolerating Dublin rule and have been since the 15th of November 1985 .
12 ‘ Considerable amounts are being spent on replacing them with better services , and have been for the past few years .
13 Both men are American and have been among the best-paid executives of a British quoted company since the merger three years ago of SmithKline , an American drug company , and Beecham .
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