Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He did not want to attract attention by being the first or last to appear for dinner , so he left things until five minutes to eight , by which time he had heard several other guests moving about .
2 The Commission normally takes two months to investigate charges , after which it could either instruct Britain to set its VAT rates in conformity with European legislation or proceed to put into effect the long awaited 7th Directive on fiscal matters .
3 We will develop distance learning opportunities and extend the franchising of higher education courses so that courses can start at local colleges — helping people who wish or need to study from home .
4 The other main obstacle in the way of enjoyment is Aviemore , but unless you need to buy some chips , or have to come by train then you can just close your eyes as you pass by it .
5 This is in itself unremarkable and can be explained if , of the two types , the carbon-free granulites have a higher porosity , a weaker matrix or a greater proportion of long thin cracks that tend to close on application of small confining pressures .
6 With the stressed plants there was a problem in ‘ seeing ’ narrow leaves of the sort that tend to occur under stress .
7 that tend to appear at Christmas ,
8 She would have to control that urge to speak without thinking , would have at least to look cool and controlled , even if that was not how she felt .
9 In consequence , the only land-living creatures likely to be fossilised are those that happen to fall into water .
10 The facts that seem to emerge from analysis of the recent controlled studies are : ( a ) pure ethanol given intravenously , orally , or by an intragastric route , in different concentrations does not stimulate gastrin release whether or not it stimulates acid secretion ; ( b ) among the alcoholic beverages beer and wine produce pronounced stimulation of gastrin release whereas whisky , gin , cognac , and vodka do not have any effect on gastrin concentrations .
11 Male geladas may thus obtain a harem in several ways that seem to depend on age .
12 Leave aside , for the moment , the social , economic , demographic and other shifts that continue to operate to Labour 's disadvantage , shrinking its traditional electoral base .
13 In his inaugural address , Garcia praised the informal workers as ‘ modern heroes ’ , who shun delinquency and terrorism to make a decent living , and are ‘ the expression of honest people that wish to work in equality and well being ’ .
14 Instead of measuring distance as " number of genes that have to change in evolution " , we are going to measure distance as " odds of happening to jump the distance , by sheer luck , in a single hop " .
15 Yeah , there 's probably two points I would want to say , one is that , what about the children and young people tha that refuse to go to school ?
16 They have less opportunity to make new friendships and tend to depend for companionship on the continuity of longstanding relationships .
17 In this respect , pregnant girls at Arbour are also very knowledgeable and confident about giving birth because they have been so well prepared for it , and tend to sail through labour and birth without a lot of problems .
18 These fibrotic processes are rare and tend to occur in isolation , although a number of overlap syndromes has been reported with multiple organ involvement .
19 Her assignment for C 's Circus was to manipulate men of power and influence to work towards unity with the British Commonwealth in their desperate fight for world freedom .
20 Evenings are their weakest time since they soon begin to feel fatigued and want to go to sleep relatively early .
21 Now East Germans are shipping their own people in sealed trains through their own country to the West , and police fight back thousands who block the tracks and want to jump on board .
22 It is easy to fall into the trap of looking for causal relations between what we ( the education community ) do and what pupils achieve , and forget to take into account our pupils ' own efforts , perceptions and experiences .
23 such as this year 's figures you know they 're not paying you to somebody over the phone and expect to remember of course they ca n't so I 've got the detail that I need to keep looking at , and there about that 's about it .
24 He is the real man as none other ; for he alone is man as God intends man to be ; he alone has travelled to the uttermost limits of the ‘ far country ’ of man 's estrangement ; and in him alone has the judgement been passed , carried out , and overcome to issue in reconciliation .
25 Those of the dragonfly are placed on either side of the head and seem to act as horizon detectors .
26 They stay up late , are slow to get going in the morning , and seem to gain in strength as the day wears on .
27 It is then dead tissue , and open to attack by coral spot fungus .
28 To make a copy , start both machines together from off play-pause and record-pause respectively and run to end of recording .
29 And visit to check on progress from time to time ?
30 NO MATTER how talented or hardworking you are , if you 're a woman it always takes extra effort and drive to succeed in business .
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