Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [pers pn] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or confirm it is a genuine loss at sea . ’
2 Take It Or Leave It is a much more vocal narrative delivered to a fictional audience with jokes , asides and comments on his own style .
3 Not only are the men and women involved people of remarkable courage and strength , but unlike Imperial Typewriters or Spiralynx it is a strike of black workers in an area well known for its tradition of left wing trade union organisation .
4 ( b ) at the time of such act or default I am a member of or a beneficial owner of a share or shares in the Company
5 ( b ) at the time of such act or default it is a member of or a beneficial owner of a share or shares in the Company
6 Are you , or have you been a carer ?
7 The indifference of Limnititzkers to the great outdoors is well-known ; the only landscapes that interest them are the hills of a totally discorporeal Zion .
8 Insofar as they intruded on the very different trade in superior goods which Britain and Germany and USA could make better than they could and for which these and other countries had established legitimate mark[et]s and insofar as this intrusion was achieved by methods of subsidy and selling at less than cost it was an illegitimate trade and very disruptive in world trading circles .
9 I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glint on snow .
10 The birds that do it are the oilbirds of South America , and the cave swiftlets of the Far East , the ones whose nests are used for birds ' nest soup .
11 Anyone acquainted with the ethereal , blissed-out dance pop of Sunscreem 's two chart hits , ‘ Love U More ’ and ‘ Perfect Motion ’ , might be surprised to learn that live they are an adrenalin-soaked , all-singing , all-dancing , all flame-throwing event with the omnipresent thumping beat determinedly UP .
12 There was more fun as an underdog — and since he had more bark than bite it was a casting that suited the irascible old gentleman ideally .
13 In the case of both /Ε/; and /a/ it is the persons for whom the vowel has less significance as a network marker who seem to be leading the linguistic change .
14 You 've got to get on and deal with the problem and forget it 's a crisis .
15 The new appointments demonstrate a commitment by the Saatchi brothers to restore the company 's fortunes and suggest they are a long way from turning their backs on the business they built .
16 Er most of my points have actually dried up now , sir , in view of what Mr Cunnane has said , and also Mr Jewitt , erm I do actually , I would try to emphasize a point that the people who are proposing new settlements in this location have judiciously avoided the question of need this afternoon , well I think we we almost came to the point this morning that the shortfall was nine hundred and reducing almost on a month by month basis , er one or two quick points I would like to pick up , er in view of the erm small nature or the shortfall in housing supply that we see over the next fifteen years , I can not accept that to avoid the new settlement option would be prejudicial to greenbelt objectives , erm the housing land supply allocations are almost there , there are plans to run through which will un almost inevitably allocate additional sites inside the inner edge of the greenbelt boundary and outside the outer edge of the greenbelt boundary , but both within Greater York , which are bound to assist in making up the shortfall of provision , and probably , if I suspect rightly , would actually exceed it , erm erm I agree with Mr Cunnane on the question of the alternative expansion of existing towns or settlements , the same point really , we 're almost there anyway , the op that option is already there , it 's not that it might be there , it is it is there at the moment , er it 's not a clear expression of local preference , and I would also point out the option of the environmental improvements under the P P G criteria you asked us to look at , erm whether it 's a thousand houses , two thousand , two and a half thousand , whether it has a bowling alley , or a ten pin bowling alley , and a B and Q , and a , probably a Tesco as well , this form of development will not sit comfortably in open countryside , almost , wherever it 's put within the Greater York area , I defy anyone to produce a site where one can satisfactorily put er such a massive form of urban development and suggest it 's a positive environmental improvement .
17 Erm , we also , again I mean , as you say , we always look at ourselves and say we 're the best team in the company .
18 But I think I 'd actually like to support that idea , I think we ought to er er write back to them and say it 's a splendid idea , erm let's have more of it and and thank you to the local government commission for s er seeing to this after a hundred years .
19 You can sell a house by saying it 's near to the station , or the shops : or you can be really eccentric and say it 's a life giving spa centre with its own magic water source .
20 I did n't think it was possible for somebody to stand in the middle of the fairway and say it 's an iron of any description .
21 But I do n't think you should just appoint somebody and say he 's a worker director .
22 ‘ Sometimes he 'd cry about this , ’ she recalls , ‘ and say he was an awful nuisance to me .
23 So , for instance , if you have an argument with the police er on a matter , you might very well have to say to the police , I think officer you were take that and say you 're a lying bastard .
24 You could n't come and , you come bouncing in here and say you were a blacksmith .
25 Christians are supposed to forgive , but what if say it 's the mother of somebody who had a child that 's been murdered or if somebody has been raped you can not say that they should forgive you cos they were a Christian .
26 So if you 're saying if say it was a railway where the gradients are very not very steep at all .
27 Then they awoke , and behold it was a dream .
28 Today the Bangor editor said : ‘ We are determined to emulate our team and show we are the top dogs in north Down .
29 The choice of McLeish as captain will , Roxburgh believes , remove an unwanted , additional pressure from McStay 's shoulders and let him be the midfield schemer who orchestrates the emphatic victory essential to Scotland 's progress .
30 Exercise , gently at first , and let it be a part of your programme of change .
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