Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [noun sg] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Resolution 45/63 expressed concern at Israel 's continuing nuclear build-up and urged all states " not to co-operate with or give assistance to Israel that could enhance its nuclear weapons capability " .
2 What Sinead is trying to give us is Sinead-ism , yet another new belief disguising itself as Christian truth , ripping out the easy parts and leaving behind the parts that are harder to stomach , the parts that demand commitment to Christ .
3 Designed jointly by SCOTVEC and the Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum ( SCCC ) , clusters articulate with SEB provision , and provide progression to Highers .
4 It is Wimbledon men 's finals day , and the television shows McEnroe beating Connors ; the score is two sets to none and match point to McEnroe in the third .
5 And give warning to Dacre that if he led a force into Scotland hereafter , as reputedly planned , he would suffer at his house of Gilsland .
6 I believe what you believe , that God came down to Mary , who was a virgin , in the form of a dove — or was that to her mother , so that Mary could get pregnant and be an immaculate conception , which had to happen on account of how sex is so polluting , and give birth to Jesus ?
7 The ScaNet servers are based on a Cobra RISC processor — a MIPS Technologies Inc R3000-derived application-specific part developed using LSI Logic Corp 's Cobra service — and give access to TCP/IP , Local Area Transport and Open Systems Interconnection-based hosts without the use of gateways .
8 Soon after police arrived to carry out the order , violence spread , as students smashed and set fire to Mr Kamba 's Mercedes car , and police responded with tear gas and baton charges .
9 Read j : transfer into the Accumulator the contents of DBi , and set DF to O. Test i : if DFi is set to 1 , skip the following instruction .
10 This is as much a story of internally generated reform and state genuflection to Oxbridge as it is of institutional conflict and change .
11 I 'll take my wife home to Bamburgh , Hal , and go north to Berwick myself for part of the summer .
12 When I go south , you can take some dogs and go east to King Edward VII Land .
13 Eventually the Shah asked Zahedi to leave Switzerland and become ambassador to Washington again .
14 It also adopted a declaration " on the equitable participation of the Lithuanian republic in the community of world states " , which called on " all states , their parliaments and governments to take into account the results of the poll … and render assistance to Lithuania " .
15 To continue main walk After beach huts , take steps up on to cliff and follow path to St Abb 's village ( d ) , where keep as close as possible to coast , to drop down into harbour ; take steps between last two cottages in harbour ( with red-tiled roofs ) and ascend path to road where turn right , past church to end of village .
16 Piontek may sell danish international striker Frank Pingel and buy Strandli to Bursaspor , Turkey where he is manager .
17 The uplands around Daventry are mostly over 400ft and stretch northwest to Stamford .
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