Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [noun sg] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In keeping with its stance on regional neutrality the government has undertaken no studies of the regional impact of the Tunnel outside the South East despite the fears of more remote regions that their businesses will move to locations nearer the Tunnel or lose trade to southern and French competitors .
2 In coming to a conclusion on whether these proposals should be called in for his determination , my right hon. Friend will consider the proposals in terms of whether they raise issues of national or regional significance or give rise to substantial controversy .
3 Frequently , however , they also highlight aspects or draw attention to important details that might otherwise be missed .
4 The other is that even if subsidiaries of large companies are attracted to a particular region , and the company decides to develop innovations in that location , there is always the possibility that the firm ( likely to be a multinational corporation ) will relocate its plant , or switch manufacturing to other plants , and the local/regional authority will be powerless to intervene .
5 So again , we find that Chewong reaction to perceived violence — which is how I would describe the abuse of the jealous woman — is to retreat from it .
6 The funding councils ' duty will embrace courses leading to academic and vocational qualifications ; access to higher education courses ; courses that provide access to qualification-bearing courses and higher education courses ; basic skills courses ; courses in English for speakers of other languages and , in Wales , courses leading to proficiency in Welsh .
7 Instead , some multinationals have invested in knowledge systems that provide access to state-of-the-art breeding , disease control and cultivation techniques in a form that allows them to control much of the total chain without investing directly in all stages .
8 Here we will use the term " strange attractor " to refer to attractors that show sensitivity to initial conditions [ 4 , 6 , 14 , 20 , 27 , 28 , 29 ] .
9 This is because activities that run counter to expected norms need seclusion or invisibility to permit unsanctioned performance , and because the peculiar identities are sometimes impossible to realise in the absence of the appropriate setting .
10 In excessively crude shorthand : there are light-coloured rocks that form themselves into sharp peaks and very explosive volcanoes ( Mount St Helens , Krakatoa ) on the outside of the Line ; while there are dark-coloured rocks that give rise to rounded hills from which flow copious amounts of benign lavas ( Mauna Loa ) within it .
11 Hence , molecular associations that give rise to large exothermicities are also associated with large adverse entropy changes , and the two effects work in a compensatory manner [ 6 ] .
12 ( v ) freedom from substances that give rise to foaming or unpleasant odours .
13 The removal of persistent residues that give rise to foaming or smells could be an expensive process because they may be from materials that have not been amenable to treatment .
14 Now , one of them will rotate to the right , one will rotate to the left what you need to be able to do is to identify the condition that will give that give rise to optical isomers , in other words , to be able to say yes , that molecule will have optical isomers .
15 An elder 's purposes are not simply mental ideals or fantasies , but are working ideas that give direction to daily living .
16 The post translational processing mechanisms that convert progastrin to amidated peptides are known to operate at the post Golgi level on this pathway .
17 When first developed in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries , it was designed — so it could be argued — to neutralize music 's potential political power , bracket off its critical threat in a ‘ utopian ’ enclave and confine negation to individual statement .
18 Increasing calls from both sides to end domestic feuding and make resistance to Japanese encroachments a priority were resisted by Chiang until 1936 , when he was kidnapped and briefly detained by Chinese troops from Manchuria in Xian .
19 In its various forms it could be used to finance private roads , regulate traffic on the M25 and bring order to inner-city roads .
20 They are blessed with good humour and bring luck to mortal miners by knocking at spots behind the seam faces where rich ore lodes may be found .
21 Where educational institutions work in partnership with other bodies , they add to the vitality of the region and bring energy to economic regeneration .
22 Sweets range from white chocolate and praline cheesecake to baked Bramleys with cobnut stuffing .
23 They may become very anxious about the risk to which the old person is exposed and urge admission to residential care .
24 These emphasize the protection of individual rights , working on behalf of the client for more and better services , and attempting to ensure that existing services meet client needs and provide care to agreed service specifications .
25 The T-group approach is based on unstructured , leaderless groups whose ‘ task ’ is to study their own behaviour and provide feedback to individual group members .
26 In the case where the innovative outsiders are also internationally renowned practitioners in their own right , perhaps displaced by political upheavals , it may be that they are particularly well qualified to synthesise the approaches of their native and host cultures , and overcome resistance to new scientific innovation .
27 Visitors to the area are encouraged to confine their living requirements to the resort and are bussed out to the various landmarks where rangers of the Uluru National Park provide guided tours and prevent entry to certain Aboriginal sites .
28 The right fashionable scarf , belt , necklace , etc. can be used simply and quickly to update outfits and add variety to simple clothes .
29 One of Guinness Brewing Worldwide 's key strengths is the careful selection of such companies , those with excellent potential , which will take us into new markets or geographical areas , or consolidate our presence , and which can be integrated smoothly and add value to existing operations .
30 The programme would be labour-intensive and give work to skilled craftsmen as well as apprenticeships to unskilled school-leavers .
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