Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] do the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is offering optimised Pentium compilers for those that want to do the job themselves , but Santa Cruz claims performance increases by 170% on Pentium from an 80486 even without recompiling — and around 230% with recompilation .
2 It is offering optimised Pentium compilers for those that want to do the job themselves , however SCO claims performance increases 170% on Pentium from an 80486 without a recompile — around 230% with recompilation .
3 Straight afterwards we headed home , from where the Diary is being written , to welcome the bairns back from school , make their tea , and while doing the washing up generally box them round the lugs .
4 I sit on a bench and re-read the morning paper , and try to do the crossword in my head .
5 So the resit people , could they go next door and start doing the resits .
6 In The Possessed , the conspirators have enticed their victim to a dark remote spot where nothing will be seen or heard , and have done the deed and tied two heavy stones to the body so that it is sure to sink , and have carried it to a pond and thrown it in : then , ‘ With extraordinary carelessness ’ they overlook that cap which has no doubt fallen off in the struggle , and which the police will soon find .
7 Excel is clever enough to complete a sequence for you ; type in the first heading , mark the cells into which the sequence is to be extended , and Excel does the rest .
8 But do do the city firms think that they will become tough competitors in that market ?
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