Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] on [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
2 The White Paper instead proposed that prohibition would apply to chief executives , chief officers , deputies and others who regularly advise or act on behalf of their councils — a concerted attempt to reduce the impact of ‘ twin tracking ’ in local politics .
3 Prohibition will apply to chief executives , chief officers , deputies and others who regularly advise or act on behalf of their councils .
4 If a more than reasonable time has elapsed since the engrossed conveyance or transfer was submitted for execution by the husband , then the steps set out in Chapter 8 are a guide as to the procedure to be followed before application is made to the court asking the court to execute the conveyance or transfer on behalf of the husband .
5 Maintaining contact with all Medau teachers , especially those in isolated areas , is my particular concern and I shall be happy to visit any area or negotiate on behalf of any teacher if you request it and I would like to be invited to area teachers ' meetings .
6 Never spray or dab on perfume before going in sunlight .
7 " Now why is the Ingard group paying Osnafeld £300,000 when , if our other information is correct , Varsov , or Osnafeld on behalf of Varsov , might be expected to be paying Ingard And what does Varsov want with land on Foulness ?
8 This stance may have been the result of the influence of senior officers of the regular army , assisted by a warning from Black 's solicitor that he would take legal proceedings should any new statement or comment on behalf of the army be libellous .
9 So the Essex-based producer responsible for this week 's fastest-rising hit , Do n't You Want Me , ca n't perform lucrative concerts or go on TV in case his bosses see him .
10 So we busy ourselves about the house or go on holiday in much the same way as we do our jobs .
11 He has consistently refused calls to military service because his religious beliefs forbid him to bear arms for a secular power or swear on oath of military allegiance .
12 Taligent kernels — as opposed to layered products — will act as the hardware-specific interface in place of current operating systems , and application programming interfaces such as the Apple Mac user interface and IBM 's Workplace Shell will become modules that run on top of these kernels .
13 The kernels will act as the hardware-specific interface in place of current operating systems , and application programming interfaces such as the Mac user interface and IBM 's Workplace Shell will become modules that run on top of these kernels .
14 Taligent kernels — as opposed to layered products — will act as the hardware-specific interface in place of current operating systems , and application programming interfaces such as the Apple Mac user interface and IBM 's Workplace Shell will become modules that run on top of these kernels .
15 Julie McCann is the idealist who believes that there will be everlasting lightbulbs and cars that run on water after the revolution .
16 The cell gets used to damming the flood of drug-induced noise in order to be able to deal with the faint whispers of reality that float on top of it .
17 Every day the Prince and Princess went off on official business , to look at churches , visit hospitals and meet people , and the minute they were back on board the royal yacht , Charles would quickly change into some comfortable clothes and sit on deck with his sketchbook and teacher , until the very last minute before the bell for dinner .
18 Other academic studies have agreed that Westminster has increased its capacity for scrutiny and influence on policy over recent years , not decreased it .
19 Counter-insurgency and its attendant covert and intelligence aspects have had an inordinate degree of latitude and influence on policy in Ulster partly because the Westminster cabinet and parliament are incredibly ignorant of the region and have been well content if the English politicians and Whitehall civil servants who administer it from the Northern Ireland Office at Stormont Castle succeeded in preventing its problems from impinging on the affairs of the mainland .
20 The other four er erm loser er like as not , will be on display and remain on display in the er in in in the atrium area which is
21 His inclination is to shy away from grandiose strategies and concentrate on return on capital and customer service .
22 Siemens Nixdorf has decided to buy in commercially available printed circuit boards and concentrate on production of complex boards at its Augsburg plant , but there are no further plant closure plans beyond those in Berlin and Cologne already announced .
23 We 've reached a break in the programme : she seems to be overreacting to an advert for the hot dogs and popcorn on sale in the foyer .
24 would n't you liked to be in a pop group and appear on Top of The Pops ?
25 Use some red icing to cover the smallest cake and place on top of the green and white parcels .
26 It 's my pleasure and honour on behalf of the Eastern Centre to welcome you to this third Cambridge symposium .
27 The experienced towpath angler put together his winning 7–14–0 of gudgeon and perch on bloodworm from a peg near the road bridge .
28 The general said that the mutinous soldiers would abandon their positions , give up their ammunition and walk on foot to their camp at Fort Bonafacio about three miles away .
29 environmental constraints if the organization is big enough to qualify as strategic , and I am really concerned about the planning er application in which I know that Da Professor Lock is interested that I think developments of that scale have nothing to do with the employment needs of the district , that they would in fact involve bringing in large numbers of people from other areas who as I have said before , might appreciate jobs nearer their present places of employment , and it would also unbalance the Harrogate housing market and put on pressure for more land to be taken in and around Harrogate for housing for the people who 'd come to that development .
30 Reporting profits of £1.3m , up from just £300,000 last time , Acorn Computer Group Plc says that although there was pricing and therefore margin pressure across the industry , its differentiated technology and focus on value for the customer enabled it to maintain strong gross margins .
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