Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] he for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The other gentleman to whom I referred , Mr. Williams , was deported some little while ago , it being cheaper to deport him than prosecute him for the gross fraud that he has perpetrated against the United Kingdom .
2 I 'll cut him up small and fry him for the kids ' breakfast .
3 and we 'll sort it out ourselves and what they do , if a customer says oh there 's a phone that 's broke , or it 's not working or something like that , they 'll say oh okay we 'll get in touch with the maintenance for you , you see , cos he 's making nowt out of it , if you say we dropped the phone and broke it , well we 'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one , once they say wants some re-programming doing , oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get , the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it you know so we , a service contract it 's priced because , low because you know you 're gon na make a bit on moves and changes
4 A crowd of eager customers would be awaiting his arrival outside the shops and attack him for the particular colour , size or style of dress they had been waiting for .
5 He shall feel the ground give under him , if only once , he shall fall , and men shall see him fall , and know him for a man like other men .
6 Daisy was screwing up her courage to accost Ricky and ask him for a drink after church when the Vicar launched into the final prayer about being made flesh , and she suddenly remembered the vast ox heart cooking in the oven for Ethel , which would burn dry if it was n't taken out , so she belted home .
7 In real-time only seconds had passed , not much more time than it would have taken to see if he was in and ask him for a few minutes of his time .
8 As he leapt to the attack again , he uttered a hoarse , nerve-shattering scream , the purpose of which was to startle his opponent momentarily and distract him for a fatal fraction of time .
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