Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it is illegal to import it , send it through the post or display it to the general public .
2 Always carry it with you or push it into the soil .
3 Control the interview or lose it to the candidate ?
4 And as Joe was saying , he said , all we do is just go back to them and just try and say well look you know when you come to see us again do you want to accept this or regret it on the basis that you 're going to strike , but all the other section in the company 's accepted that .
5 The purchaser of a completed development , for example a factory , who intends to use the development for his or her own trade purposes or lease it to a person using it for trade purposes may be able to claim capital allowances .
6 As the program is installed , you can elect to have Power Launcher entered as a startup program — or place it in the startup program group , which keeps your WIN.INI cleaner — and also allow it to replace the control button at the top left of every application window with its own red and white icon .
7 I would be inclined to house the mower elsewhere , or replace it with an electric one .
8 I told the others , ‘ we either write some new songs and start behaving like a proper band again or knock it on the head , this time for good ’ .
9 Half bury the log or timber in soil in a part of the garden where it will stay damp , or put it on a shaded window-sill in a plastic container ( ice-cream carton ) .
10 Place the joint in a trivet over the tin , or put it on the oven rack directly above the roasting tin , so that the juices from the meat ‘ weep ’ into the potatoes and onions .
11 ‘ So only the person who served the lobster or put it on the plates could have poisoned it ? ’
12 ‘ Appropriates ’ is generally proved by a witness stating that the accused picked the property up or put it in a shopping bag or a pocket .
13 Or put it in a left-luggage compartment somewhere . ’
14 Put in a bowl or put it in a plastic
15 • The UNIPOT needs the minimum of cleaning , to keep its good looks simply wash in hot soapy water or put it in the dishwasher .
16 stick it in your pocket for next time or put it in the bin .
17 I might be going swimming at lunchtime today so I could probably run up there or put it in the post if I go .
18 There seems to be little difference in the actual amount of weight lost whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go , or spread it over the day .
19 Persons of inferior degree rarely owned more than a single parcel , irrespective of whether they lived on it themselves or let it to a tenant .
20 Syphon it off , or remove it with a power filter if available .
21 While running , Brownies must not drop the egg or hold it on the spoon with their fingers .
22 When you 've finished faffing around with the fonts , you can choose to either axe your disastrous experiment , or install it as a TrueType font itself .
23 erm sequences such as what happened yesterday , what happened today , what 's going to happen tomorrow — dyslexic people very often have great difficulty with this and transferring from the two dimensional to the three dimensional , like you might say to a dyslexic adult when he or she asks directions , ‘ Oh , well , it 's first right , second left and then there 's a tower on your right and you 've got to turn to the left after the tree ’ and so on , and a dyslexic person ca n't remember any of that at all , or transfer it from the map to the reality .
24 Tip it into a food processor or mash it with a fork in a bowl , then return to the freezer .
25 You can either perform the story live or record it on a cassette-recorder .
26 Post a notice as large as is allowed , with coloured lettering , or mount it on a jazzy or tartan paper .
27 Position it in the centre of the mantelpiece , stand it on a shelf on its own , shine a spotlight on to it , or hang it on an empty wall where it will attract attention .
28 Why does he just hang it you know put in the tumble dryer or hang it in the garage ?
29 The holder can not cash the cheque , but only pay it in to a bank account , or savings bank , or assign it to a third party .
30 The defendant supplied the product otherwise than in the course of a business and the defendant did not produce it ( or own-brand it or import it into the European Community ) with a view to profit .
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