Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From the age of four years , a child can use a booster seat or cushion in conjunction with an adult seat belts .
2 More than half of the Shipman 's Tale consists of dialogue ( 237 lines out of 434 ) , a figure that increases if we count odd lines introducing a change of speaker or place in dialogue as part of the dialogue .
3 ( 4 ) The provisions of section 68 of this Act shall apply to any remises or place in respect of which an occasional permission is granted as they apply to licensed premises , with the substitution of references to the holder of the permission for the references to the holder of a licence .
4 ( 5 ) The provisions of section 85 of this Act shall apply to any premises or place in respect of which an occasional permission is granted as they apply to premises in respect of which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is in force .
5 ( 6 ) The person to whom an occasional permission is granted shall ensure that the provisions of this Act or any byelaws or regulations made thereunder relating to the conduct of licensed premises are observed in the premises or place in respect of which the permission was granted as if he were the holder of a public house licence , and if he contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence : Provided that it shall be a defence for any person charged with an offence under this subsection if he proves that he used due diligence to prevent the occurrence of the offence .
6 We find little solace at home but go out again in search of mass entertainment or slump in front of the television , seeking not to think but to forget .
7 Once provided , two general trends are obvious : first , the intra-mural zone remained or soon became relatively well built-up , and second , there was no obvious contraction or shift in emphasis within the extra-mural zone prior to the mid fourth century at least .
8 Each picture in the sequence showed the thematic person , animal or object in interaction with other people , animals and objects .
9 Section 13(1) provides that : To the extent that this Part of this Act prevents the exclusion or restriction of any liability it also prevents — ( a ) making the liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions ; ( b ) excluding or restricting any right or remedy in respect of the liability , or subjecting a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any such right or remedy .
10 However , the ambit of the Act is extended by s13 which provides that to the extent that the Act applies the exclusion or restriction of liability , it also applies to clauses which : ( a ) make " any liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions " , such as time limit clauses requiring notification of claims , or commencement of proceedings , within a limited time ; ( b ) exclude or restrict " any right or remedy in respect of the liability " , such as clauses : ( i ) excluding the right of a buyer to reject goods , terminate a contract or exercise a right of set-off , or ( ii ) requiring a customer to accept repair or replacement from the supplier ; ( c ) subject " a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any right or remedy " ; ( d ) exclude or restrict any rules of evidence or procedure , such as clauses : ( i ) making certificates of quality conclusive evidence that goods correspond with the contract , ( ii ) making one party 's record of a transaction conclusive evidence of the facts recorded , ( iii ) requiring certain evidence in order to obtain particular remedies — eg " no refunds without receipt " .
11 You can either record this and play it back or stand in front of a friend and let them criticize and make helpful suggestions .
12 When we speak of freedom as something to be highly prized , we mean a positive power or capacity for doing or enjoying something worth doing , and that , too , something that we do or enjoy in common with others .
13 138 ( 1 ) This section has effect where a lessor is proceeding by action in a county court to enforce against a lessee a right of re-entry or forfeiture in respect of any land for non-payment of rent .
14 He had been debating whether to go down there or get in touch with the record office of the ATS when , returning one day from an unsuccessful interview for a job with a theatrical agent , he had happened to bump into Eleanor Fuller in Piccadilly .
15 Or get in touch with the Solicitor 's Family Law Association , , whose members are all experienced divorce lawyers .
16 And should I need you , can I find you or get in touch with you at Rhodri Parry 's house ? ’
17 Although the location of the nursery and release spots are kept strictly confidential , anyone finding abandoned badgers can contact the group via Mr Wood on Stokesley or get in touch with the police or RSPCA which approved the nursery .
18 If you would like further details , contact Sandra Jones , in Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University , or get in touch with me , and I will pass on your enquiry .
19 Labour will develop a flexible decade of retirement between the ages of 60 and 70 , so that men and women can choose to retire on a full pension or continue in work without discrimination .
20 I I I I think that there is a peculiar problem here , and , and that is , that whilst I will fully agree with that judges should be kept or keep in touch with the usages and habits of modern society and how it 's changing .
21 To him who is able to do infinitely more abundantly above all that we ask or think in accordance with the power which is at work within us .
22 In the longer term they require more general financial information in order to assess whether or not there is likely to be an increase or decrease in requirement for the goods or services they supply .
23 The sentence does not appear to have a semantic controller ; that is to say , there is no evidence of privileged status for either subject or predicate in respect of semantic relations between sentences .
24 Locks , or more correctly , ‘ pound locks ’ , are a means of raising a boat over a rise or fall in level by a series of steps .
25 It is common to turn the bureau telephone answering machine on with the recorded message that an adviser is not available to take the call and the potential client should call again later or come in person to the bureau .
26 This does not necessarily mean an expansion of output or rise in output per head will take place , since a large proportion of the existing available workforce is either unemployed or underemployed in many LDCs .
27 Can I take anything away from them that they want or need in exchange for what I want and need ? ’
28 Relax over a drink in the wine bar or brasserie , grab a snack ‘ al fresco ’ , or dine in style at the cafés and restaurants .
29 A statement said that the IAEA had conducted an extensive inspection of the two units that remain in action at the Kozloduy station on the Danube .
30 And on the various powerful but unseen committees that sit in contemplation of Britain 's future defence policy , the consequent evaporation of any strategic productive capacity in less glamorous areas is causing unease .
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