Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [adv] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Even the tracks that wash over you the first time around act as aural traps on second and third listens .
2 In other words , it will be those that do just what the grumblers demand — cutting imports , using local suppliers , doing R&D on the spot — that will be most threatening to General Motors , Ford , Volkswagen , Peugeot and Fiat .
3 This means that those with more conventional tastes in hosiery ( and more substantial overheads ) are obliged to take ever-smaller profits while trying to stay ahead of the game and figure out what the next business-machine craze might turn out to be .
4 In Britain the assumption is that citizens have no right to official information , and receive only what the government chooses to tell them .
5 This technique has been used by salespeople for many years and consequently should be used with care , especially with professional buyers who are likely to have experienced its use many times and know exactly what the salesperson is doing .
6 Think about each one and decide exactly what the problem is .
7 Look get into the community and find out what the problems are .
8 Try being useful for a change and find out what the hell is wrong with it ! ’
9 True , I take your point , I mean I , perhaps I could dig a little bit deeper and find out what the Dickens is going on , you know !
10 Try and find out what the problems are and find an answer to them , but sometimes this is extremely difficult .
11 E two , now you 've got to work out the average speed , right try and think roughly what the answer would be , because if you thought of that , then you would know that 's a silly answer , cos look , how far is the journey ?
12 When you are ready , gently come back to the room and write down what the exercise revealed about your way-of-seeing the world .
13 Place your fingers into the water running from our new single lever Domi tap and experience first-hand what the expression ‘ more thought in the bathroom ’ means .
14 Go and see the reaction of the people who witnessed him cure the blind man Blind Bartiamaus or Bethsiedum Go and check out what the woman who with a haemorrhage had to say about him .
15 Start from your list of ‘ better thans ’ , and work out what the opposite extreme would look like .
16 And then when you 've got , when you look at their velocity , velocity against time , try and work out what the acceleration is again it 's the slope .
17 All different angles for in there , and you just sort of draw it and work out what the other one is , calculate it first , alright , That 's , that 's A from B , I 'll move that A and B as well .
18 But if you want to draw the regular one You can sit and do this backwards and work out what the angles are .
19 It follows that I expressly do not give judgement at any figure at this stage but indicate merely what the findings are which I have made and what the sums which those findings lead to , are .
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