Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A few seconds later as the aircraft gains more speed , it will need more forward movement to prevent it from unsticking with the tail-wheel or skid touching the ground , and climbing away too steeply .
2 Will he also consider , as a provisional measure , initiating steps which would enable a magistrate or judge to supervise the interrogation of a defendant charged with a terrorist offence ?
3 You swore each and every one of you to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence
4 You swore each and every one of you , to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence and let the chips lie where they fall .
5 The Bank can choose what rate of interest or rediscount to charge the discount houses .
6 Negotiations are still continuing for other locomotives or unite to attend the event .
7 The application of power or influence to settle the conflict .
8 Succeeding Mike Perry , the director behind the quick-fire acquisitions programme which first put the group into direct competition with world cosmetics leader L'Oréal , and later prompted old rival Procter & Gamble to join the chase , he is a marked man .
9 When Swan heard that Harvey was at the Ministry of Transport , he tried to draw him out on the subject of motorways in Warwickshire , but the junior Minister in charge of roads said that this was not the time or place to discuss the subject .
10 You may then enter the type of change you require and then carry this out on only the current record or elect to make the change globally , that is on every record with similar field entries .
11 No fuss or bother let the cookhouse with the mess .
12 If you go away for the weekend during the winter , leave the central heating on the minimum thermostat setting , with the programmer set to 24-hour operation and remove or prop open the loft hatch .
13 The payer ( unless issuing a summons ) should produce the plaint note or summons to enable the court to identify the plaint number of the case .
14 The advantages of having the conveyance or transfer containing the indemnity executed in duplicate have already been noted ( see Chapter 3 , p35 ) .
15 It is difficult to say whether or not a transfer of a house by the husband to the wife in , for instance , a " clean break " is " less in money or money 's worth than the value in money or money 's worth of the consideration provided " ( s339(3) ( c ) ) so there is always a risk that a conveyance or transfer following the court order or agreement may be attacked by a husband 's trustee in bankruptcy and the wife can not be absolutely safe until the five year period has expired .
16 It is then shaken out with fork or machine to aerate the hay and allow the wind to pass through it .
17 The foxhound is a much bigger and stronger animal than a fox : the leading hound or couple bowl the fox over and kill him .
18 Away yees go — or yil get the message . ’
19 Whether you choose to set yourself the task of becoming an accomplished windsurfer within seven days or opt to learn the sport at a more leisurely pace , Windsurfing in a week will prove as invaluable a companion as your buoyancy aid .
20 Materials for environmental or other field-work may include cameras and tape recorders , or simply measuring tapes and surveying equipment , but in many cases there will also be a work-card or outline to guide the activity .
21 Having learnt to sail in a sail boat like the Topper you can move on to more complex boats with confidence or continue to exploit the versatility and convenience of this single-hander which has become the best selling sail boat in Britain the one design nature of the Topper , due to its injection moulded hull , is perfect for racing and secondhand values remain high .
22 At the same time , the conflict between competing factions among the Romans themselves meant that the Visigoths could intervene against one or other party , or try to exploit the situation for their own gain .
23 Many will not register and simply evade or try to evade the tax .
24 If you ca n't use a credit card the next best options are a crossed cheque , a postal order , or try to persuade the company to take cash on delivery , once you 've had time to inspect the goods , of course .
25 Philip Williams has drawn a distinction between Labour party leaders who are Path-finders , who look for new solutions or try to lead the party in new directions , and stabilizers , who are concerned above all with preserving party unity .
26 She came home in despair and went back to the clinic to work rather than spend the Sunday alone , or try to pass the time with friends .
27 ‘ They 're afraid he 'll skip the country , or try to intimidate the victim .
28 If the calculated starting rate does coincide with a resonant rate the designer can either elect to use a lower frequency clock or try to reduce the resonance with additional damping .
29 Howard gazes out of the window of his official car at people in the streets , trying to read the expression on their faces as they wait for buses or try to cross the road .
30 The advantage of the Zuwaya image , from a libertarian point of view , is that the rallying points for groups larger than households are ancestors : dead men , who can not act ultra vires or be oppressive or unjust , or attempt to keep the group in being when the particular need for it has ceased .
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