Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Aye that was Well that that was on the platform when I got me face burnt and me left hand , which I think was burnt trying to protect me me head or face at the time .
2 There would also be a short term pension payable er and this would be paid for three months at the rate of your pension or pay at the time of death .
3 Children are not unfamiliar with situations in which they tell , or are told , what someone else said or thought ; or in which they tell what they themselves said or thought at some point in the past or think at the time of speaking .
4 That choice is best made in the light of the conditions that prevail at the time .
5 T. Behrens gives the impression that he has more to say about himself than the progress of this mad love — to which he did not stand all that close at the time , brother as he was — has allowed him to come up with .
6 If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing the Publisher will negotiate a residual fee which will be in line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers ' Guild and ITCA/BBC .
7 On the broadcasting of the Video : A reasonable payment to be negotiated which will be in line with the agreements for terms that exist at the time between the Society of Authors and/or Writers ' Guild on the one hand and the ITCA/BBC on the other hand
8 5 If the videos are at any time broadcast for public viewing , we will negotiate a residual fee which will be in general line with the agreement for minimum fees that exist at the time between the Society of Authors/Writers ' Guild and ITCA/BBC .
9 On the broadcasting of the Video : A reasonable payment to be negotiated which will be in line with the agreements for terms that exist at the time between the Society of Authors and/or Writers ' Guild on the one hand and the ITCA/BBC on the other hand
10 Table 6 shows that increase in the time to respond yes was significantly great between memory set sizes of 2 and 3 and 3 and 4 .
11 It 's not the tears that fall at the time ,
12 In that case her relatives would have enquired for her , raised a hue and cry at the time of the accident . ’
13 These were : dégorgement ( the act of removing sediment from the bottle after the second fermentation ) and liqueur de tirage ( the addition of sugar and yeast at the time of bottling to promote and guarantee a second fermentation ) .
14 Agents were pondering whether they should n't ‘ hang on to thee rights , and wait for the time when they 're equipped to sell them , ’ as conference chairman Tony Feldman put it later .
15 I pull up and watch for a time but typically the bird does not re-appear .
16 And look at the time , half-past four ! ’
17 He had only gone to Karlovy Vary to deliver a package — and look at the time , nearly four o'clock !
18 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
19 Deep modulation at frequencies -I " is clearly only possible if " , so we still require a " bad cavity " , and we may note that the spectral holes form and refill on a time scale which thus plays an important role in the phenomenon : it has been claimed { 20 } that " population pulsations ' are the primary source of the instability .
20 ‘ I regret some of the changes , but I think you 've got to accept them and move with the times , however unfortunate that may be . ’
21 My men , whom I had instructed to keep close together and sing from the time they left the camp until they joined me on the forest road , were not due for an hour and a half , and during this time it was more than likely that the tigress would break cover and try to stalk or rush me .
22 She had to sell her farm and work for a time in a department store .
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