Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Looking at the act of speaking in a broader way , we can see that intonation can signal to the listener what is to be taken as ‘ new ’ information and what is already ‘ given ’ , can suggest when the speaker is indicating some sort of contrast or link with material in another tone-unit and , in conversation , can convey to the listener what kind of response is expected .
2 Since they have been disturbed and more than a little frightened in the process they will vacate the burrow , will very likely feed and then either lie rough on the surface somewhere or go to ground in a completely fresh burrow system .
3 So the Essex-based producer responsible for this week 's fastest-rising hit , Do n't You Want Me , ca n't perform lucrative concerts or go on TV in case his bosses see him .
4 So we busy ourselves about the house or go on holiday in much the same way as we do our jobs .
5 They had n't they had no er inherent right to make resolutions or ask for increase in wages that was all done at conference by their their representatives .
6 I understand that both county structure plans and the local plans for Slough borough council , the royal borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and South Bucks district all contain policies that restrict or presume against development in areas liable to flooding .
7 Then your detective should have much more of the qualities that make for success in a real police officer , and much less vulnerability to comic events .
8 There are more kil , children killed on our roads than die of disease , than die of malnutrition in this country , er many , you know and we just do n't take it seriously .
9 Bob Worcester , chairman of Mori , says : ‘ It is important to know what happened , not just for the sake of the pollsters but for that of the research business and the marketing decisions that depend upon confidence in the data that market research provides . ’
10 Amdahl Corp is not known as an IBMulator for nothing : it too is cutting its dividend — to five cents a share this year from a dime last year , in an effort to conserve its capital base : the company , which reported a first quarter $240m loss after a $243m restructuring charge — figures , page seven — said its revenues were lower than expected because of soft economic conditions and competitive pressure on prices ; it also said that while it was committed to the IBMulator business , it plans to expand its open systems products line because demand is increasing in that field ; it is also enhancing our Huron applications development and production system , which creates applications that run without change in both proprietary and open environments and on both large and desktop systems , the company added , saying that its objective is to turn Huron into an industry standard and to develop a growing business in open systems for large-scale computing .
11 These become the gardens and orchards of the mind and are the supreme creations of the human being and it should be our life 's task to tend our wild vines and taste the berries that hang in profusion in their many coloured flasks .
12 Instead , their main , if not their only , function is to serve as ‘ relays ’ — human boosters for the faint , unfocused signals that pass for communication in the traditional pre-information organization .
13 ( c ) Overseas Central Banks and International Institutions — the Bank holds accounts for a variety of international financial organisations , including the World Bank , the Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) and the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , and organises international transactions that originate from intervention in exchange markets .
14 Pity the poor student faced , last year , with something close to 2000 books that deal with psychology in some way or other .
15 On an average Sunday , more people hear these two programmes than go to church in the whole of Britain .
16 This paper examines the contribution of research to hill farming in Scotland and the opportunities and possibilities that exist for change in the industry .
17 The creation and keeping of records in a local authority takes place in a very specific political , legal and geographical context — with all the social and cultural connotations that come with records-keeping in the public domain .
18 If a factory in the developing world releases traces of carcinogens into the sea it may face immediate credit problems , even if the carcinogenic substances are swamped by natural carcinogens such as methyl iodide , that come from seaweed in quite disturbing quantities .
19 On that point , I would say that there are a number of considerations which arise as the result of that site being within the conservation area that militate against development in themselves , and this is in general well recognized on your side , and by the er er by the City Council .
20 In H. gallinarum all three parasitic moults appear to occur in the caecal lumen , but in H. isolonche infection the hatched larvae enter the caecal mucosa , and develop to maturity in nodules .
21 Counter-insurgency and its attendant covert and intelligence aspects have had an inordinate degree of latitude and influence on policy in Ulster partly because the Westminster cabinet and parliament are incredibly ignorant of the region and have been well content if the English politicians and Whitehall civil servants who administer it from the Northern Ireland Office at Stormont Castle succeeded in preventing its problems from impinging on the affairs of the mainland .
22 The other four er erm loser er like as not , will be on display and remain on display in the er in in in the atrium area which is
23 Written by Dom Pérignon 's pupil and immediate successor at Hautvillers , the treatise must be regarded as the most authoritative contemporary account , not only of the state of viticulture and viniculture in Champagne in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries , but also of Dom Pérignon 's particular contribution to the art of winemaking .
24 We 've reached a break in the programme : she seems to be overreacting to an advert for the hot dogs and popcorn on sale in the foyer .
25 Did you then and there take off your hat , and throw it up and cheer with joy in consequence of that defeat ? ’
26 God who 's idea was it come and freeze to death in Aldeburgh ?
27 Once the sun goes down you can enjoy dinner in Maravilla 's own restaurant , then sip cocktails and listen to music in the Honolulu Bar .
28 " Some of the groups " , the White Paper said , " found themselves attempting to reconcile a wish for strict emissions targets , and hence a wish to phase out all fossil fuel burning , with a dislike for the nuclear option and support for coal in the short term .
29 Secondary objectives of the project are to develop an appropriate framework within the linkages between financial markets and dynamic efficiency gains can properly be understood ; to assess empirically the role and effectiveness of the market for corporate control in promoting dynamic efficiency gains ; and to provide a stronger basis for policy in the areas of stock market regulation , competition policy , and support for innovation in relation to these long term efficiency considerations .
30 Now you will breathe sea-water and walk without struggle in the land Undersea . ’
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